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  shell activities

Shell Holds Team Building...

It was one time when everyone took off from their hectic daily practices. This is done every year, and undoubtedly, it has helped the boys become more solid and one. This year is no exception as the Shell Zoommasters went to a hideaway for a two-day team building.

Everyone had so much fun and every Zoommaster enjoyed every single second of that memorable team building session.

And Then Fans' Day

It was one day which the Shell followers will never forget. Two days before the opening of the 25th season of the PBA, the Shell Zoommasters hosted a rare fans day held at the Greenmeadows Gym in Quezon City.

Teams don't normally hold fans day but the Shell management thought it best to give their followers a treat.

"The PBA holds its own fans day and all-star day. But for us in the Shell camp, we make sure we have our own for our followers. We gather all the members of the fans clubs of our players and for a few hours, we give them a special treat," team manager Bobby Villarosa says.

True enough, last February 18, the Zoommasters treated their most loyal fanatics to an afternoon of full delight. There were games, dancing, and food for everyone and yes, everyone went home with a smile in his face.

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Game Schedule
22 March 2000
Philsports Arena, Pasig
1st Game (5:15 p.m.)
Red Bull vs. Shell

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