Ukkie is our ever so looney Lord of all that is Chocolate.  Hey Ukkie, can I see under your Kevlar cape??

(Hello my baby hello my darling hello my ragtime girl)

Sure do love your bunnies, UK :)

Click HERE to see the cute little bunnies!


Name: UKnowName, aka Chocolate Frogmonkey............( not quite sure what that means, UKKIE)
Location: Home of the NFL Super Bowl champion Buccaneers! :-D
Age: Baskin-Robbins [gave up on the math, now it's pop-culture references LOL]
Favorite Beatle: By most respects, I am a card-carrying Lennonite, so I tend to favour his particular contributions to the Beatle legacy
Favorite Album: I detest the prospect of being obligated or requested to narrow my predilection to a single issue, but it usually narrows down to either Abbey Road or Revolver (depending on my blood chocolate level usually LOL)
How you got into the Beatles: I'm a 2nd-generation Beatles fan; my mom introduced me to 'em - granted, my involvement and enjoyment far exceeds and transcends my mom's 'cause she was only truly interested in their initial efforts (the classic mop-top era, so to speak) - it took me years of follow-through to learn to appreciate the Beatles' entire musical impact, and in the end the love you take...oops sorry, I meant to say that in the end I've become more partial to the latter half of the Beatles' catalogue (post-Beatles 4 Sale/Help/Rubber Soul or thereabouts)
Any other information you wish to share After all this, what else is there? LOL I just wanna show some love and give some props to the cherished colleagues that I've met and known through the various forays into Beatles-related Internet gatherings since the mid-90s - to those who've come and gone, to those who've come and stayed, and to everyone who's made me smile, laugh, blush, or even hide under the table (extra props to those for whom the reference is familiar LOL), I raise my goblet of freshly-squeezed chocolate milk and salute y'all!  God bless, take care, and g'night.

(note the chocolate coloring on this page!!)



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