McRae's World   19 February 2002


Open letter from George Kachulis, owner of Jack Feeney's Bar And Grill, 1355 Richmond Rd.


"Dear Alex. You remember me, don't you? I'm the guy in the restaurant business who voted for you (yes, I live in Kanata). I also said in my last e-mail to you that if I was still in business in six months after the smoking bylaw went into place, I would shake your hand.

"Sorry, Alex, but it now looks like it's just not going to happen. I may not make it to April when I figure my patio may save me. I have lost money since August; I was one of the few to comply, even though it was barely enforced anywhere else, and it's still not being enforced properly.

"It's not fair. I comply, yet my customers are smoking at my competitors.

"I have run my business successfully for 12 years through both good and bad economic times. One of your bylaw officers said to my wife, who also works at the restaurant: 'If you close, it's because you don't know what you're doing.' I take offence at these statements.

"I now ask myself seriously whether you care at all about your constituents, whether you care about anything other than your own political career. Thanks to you and Alex Cullen, I have completely lost faith in municipal politics. At a board meeting last year (for the West End Chronicle), I asked Mr. Cullen about the impending bylaw. His quick answer amounted to 'oh, no don't worry, it'll never go through,' after which he proceeded to avoid me the rest of the night.

"And to think I live in your riding; own a business in his. I must be an idiot to have voted for one of you guys and supported the other. (Don't tell anyone, I'm not sure I can live it down).


"This January was the worst in 12 years of business. I was down in sales 24%. That's about $22,000. Some of it is probably due to technology layoffs, and some to the dollar and economy, but we have faced these type of issues before in our 12 years. The only factor we haven't faced is your smoking bylaw. Cause and effect, Alex; even you can figure that one out.

"It's hard to argue that employees don't have the right to a healthy workplace. Funny thing is, the only non-smokers that work in my establishment are my partner and his wife out of 35 persons. My staff are complaining because they are no longer making decent money.

"I pay almost $35,000 a year in property taxes. I've never paid as little sales tax or GST as I will for January. I guess the government will charge everybody with that one, not just smokers.

"I've contributed time and money to community charitable causes, personally and on behalf of my business. Sadly, I've stopped since the bylaw. I can't afford to any longer.

"It's just about over for me, and it's just too bad, it really is. I worked hard, barely saw my kids growing up, but I thought I was building a future for them, some sweat equity.

"I shall remember you and your colleague to them, and if you're still around, hopefully they won't vote for you. Too bad about that handshake, Alex. You'll just have to listen to my swan song instead.

P.S.: When is the next municipal election?"

And the casualties mount.

Three weeks ago, the 230-seat Sky Garden on Sparks St. Owner Steve Nesrallah: "It was 100% because of the bylaw. Sales dropped 50%. Our cups of coffee were down 400 to 500 a day, our meals 20 to 30 a day."

Loss to the city: $25,000 in annual property taxes. Six employees let go.

"One is homeless; he's now living in one of the missions."

Nesrallah also owns the 190-seat Hemingway's on the Mall.

Until recently, he defied the bylaw. Ten infraction tickets. Since compliance?

"My business is down 40%." Laid-off workers: Eight. The city's annual property tax loss should Hemingway's fall: $34,000.

Nesrallah: "I'm awaiting the court decision on operating as private clubs. If it loses? I'll defy the bylaw again."

He adds bitterly: "All you'd have needed is a sign on the door saying 'This is a smoking establishment,' and if you don't like it, then don't come in."

Tell it to the morality engineers.



McRae can be reached at (613) 739-5133, ext. 469 or emailed at [email protected]. Visit his online home page.

Letters to the editor should be sent to [email protected].



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