My policy toward submitted material.


To prevent any misunderstandings, hard feelings or possible anger, I want to state my policy towards any material received by me subject to be included on this website.


1. The information included on this website is considered to be a labor of love meant to be shared by members and/or relatives of our family line.


2. The purpose of this site is strictly for the purpose of obtaining from and broadcasting information to users of this website and is not to be published for sale by any person. Ths site is free to all family researchers and shall remain free until such time as there are no longer free web domains available. This web site is subject to relocation at any time. In the case of a relocation, this policy shall remain in effect.


3. Any information sent to me is subject to appear on this website and permission to do so is presumed to be given by the sender unless the sender states with specificity that certain information is not to be placed on the website. The sender must give sufficient detail about what is not to be allowed to be placed on the website that any reasonable person would be able to determine what is not allowed and what is allowed.


4. Any person desiring credit for their research shall include imbedded in a gedcom file a notation that they are one of the sources of each and every bit of information they intend on claiming as a product of their research.


5. Any person desiring to have their names omitted from any existing or future list of researchers shall notify me of such. Failure to notify me will be deemed permission to place that person's name on said list of researchers.


6. Any information given to me, but specified to be not publishable on the website, will be kept for my own use and will not be freely given to any other person other than the original sender. Upon the death of said sender, any information shall then be deemed to be publishable and may be shared with any other person.


7. As genealogy goes, we never know what we will find. Information found in gedcom files may not be 100% accurate. As I find the information, I add it to my data base and then verify later since it is possible that I may never have the opportunity to acquire this info again. Some of you may feel this is not the correct way of doing research but let me remind you that this is my hobby. I am not a professional genealogist nor do I desire to become one. Why take the fun out of it?


8. In most cases, I try to leave personal information about individuals still living anonymous. However, if the information on an individual was found on the web else where, it is quite possible you will find it listed here too. Individuals who were born, married, divorced or had children in the state of Texas or California is particularly subject to finding information about themselves on this web site. This is due to the extensive amount of information available thru the web site.

Also, information that is available to the public in any other case (such as public records, newspapers, etc.) may be found on this site occasionally.


9. This policy applies to this and any of my other sites linked from or to this particular site.


10. If any person, whether researching or just casually curious about lineage, is not having fun, then said person is not doing it right.

Copyright, 2001, All rights reserved 1