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Recent (re-)reads for April 2022

Tuesday, April 26, 2022 13:48

     New and old titles read in the past month plus television shows and movies worth watching.

Recent Reads in Fiction

Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz


Inspired by the book publishing connection, I decided reading the next book from my backlog list

Must Love Books by Shauna Robinson


The Other Black Girl: a novel by Zakiya Dalila 


Recent Reads Non-Fiction

Suspicious Minds  Why We Believe Conspiracy Theories by Rob Brotherton


In the wake of a previous book that had me question my objection to Marx, but I did not want to re-read Marx so opted to re-reading more Foucault. But cheated by reading about Foucault’s ideas rather than reading Foucault himself; that came later.

Foucault for Beginners 


Foucault: a Very Short Introduction by Gary Gutting



The Foucault Reader ed. by Paul Rabinow

the 1984 edition but I wanted to read the 1997 edition, the difference being . . . I do not know because I did not find a copy of the 1997 edition


Recent Re-reads

• Ian Fleming James Bond books, in no particular order

- Moonraker

- Doctor No

- Diamonds Are Forever

- Thunderball

 Missing PAXEast, I re-read this geek-themed romance novel.

Conventionally Yours by Annabeth Albert


• After reading and watching the TV series Magpie Murders, I decided  revisiting a couple Agatha Christie titles, one of which before going in onto the latest cinematic adaptation 

- Death[s] on the Nile

- The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

For Television and Movies

• “Magpie Murders” — great stuff especially for those who are fans of Midsomer Murders and Agatha Christie mysteries

• “Reset” — a 2021 Chinese sci-fi series involving time looping bus riders trying to stop their bus from exploding

• Big Brother Canada season 10 is approaching the final

• “The Batman” 

This is the Batman Christopher Nolan tried and wanted to do, gritty realism, downplaying the costuming villians, done much better and better story arc within a single movie.

Music not bad Direction, who was the director? To me, he was great, again better than Nolan. The Batman/Bruce Wayne himself, ... well, anyone was better than a masking muting, lisping Brit playing an American superhero, but this guy was good.

Actions and cinematography was good.

The aesthetic is different; I repeat, out Nolan's gritty realism that Nolan strived at doing but failed.

I give 8½ out of 10.

“Death on the Nile” 2022 version — good; I thought Gal Gadot as Linnet was perfect — a chef’s kiss casting choice

I re-watched some old and recent favorites

• “The Pink Panther Strikes Back”

• “Johnny English: Reborn”

• “After the Fox”