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How to Fix Big Brother (US)

Tuesday, July 13, 2021 15:28

     Among the numerous negative aspects Big Brother (US) fans have of the show is the recent trending strategy where a majority of the houseguests form an alliance that dominates those outside the alliance. In previous seasons, such larger alliances are composed of young (≤25 years old), Caucasian athletic/jock or(-inclusive) model types who have a better than fair chance winning the mostly physical challenges against the too few non-Caucasian players which has reflected socio-political implications.
     In the current season (23) riding along and responding to the Social Justice zeitgeist wave, the Big Brother producers and parent CBS executives have instituted the condition that at least half the houseguests must be People of Color as a means of reversing the odds or challenging the potential consequence of People of Color inability at winning against the dominant Caucasian cast.
Another approach by the BB producers was their fixing the houseguests into teams with team captains. Despite these efforts, within the first week, aready a major alliance has formed and looks to rule the house and game unless the other side wins HoH.
After watching the first team competition from the premiere episode, a solution suddenly occurs to me. With a slight reformatting of the game, can eliminate, if not reduced the impact, the dominance of any large alliance. 
     Do the HoH comp as two comps. The first comp is played as a team. Teams are formed by random draw or assignment among the houseguests. Teams composition changes with every comp. The players of the winning team are safe from being nominated for eviction. The second comp, aired for Sunday's show, is where the players of the winning team compete amongst themselves for HoH.
    With this reform, players can still collaborate with one or two other players but near impossible for a larger alliance to emerge and dominate the game.