Let me say . . .


Opinions and elucidations that matter most.

Reads mid-December

Friday, December 10, 2021 14:57

(revised and updated 3 January 2022)

From the start, I was working my way through a novel that I was so looking forward to reading. Whoa! Was I disappointed.

The novel Black Chalk by Christopher Yates was a sorriful disappointment. Notes from reading reaction.

Thus far, I have read several pages through §XVI(i) and I am not liking the novel.
• the shift in POV disorientates, especially when do not know who is speaking in the 1st POV narration
 -- reveal at §XVII
• I am not invested in the characters, as yet I do not care about anyone
• no imagery of local, in particular, I do not know that was at Oxford because there is no (glorious) description of being at Oxford, only name stamping where the characters are no atmospheric description of being where they are
• The Game sounds like a bad idea and fraught with potential hazard which we know coming into the book
• I do not even know what Chad is reading (majoring in) at Oxford

I shall give another 100 pages, if not improve by then, I am out

I did not reach passed page 92. After the introduction of the Dee character and the rumour of her plan to commit suicide after penning her 500th poem, I figure somehow ‘The Game’ challenege or consequence required her to complete another or write up to the 500th poem which resulted in the death advertised. I do not know nor do I care.

A reviewer from goodreads echoed my sentiments exactly, … some have loved this book, I have no idea why, but we all have different tastes in books, so maybe it’s for you. It just certianly was not a memorable read or a enjoyable one for me.”*

for Fiction

Black Chalk ⭐️** (out of 5)

in Non-Fiction

• Lectures on the Philosophy of Mathematics by Joel Hamkins

 Introduction ot Theory of Numbers by H. G. Hardy and Wright

The Library Book by Susan Orlean ⭐️⭐️⭐️☆

In Television

• Completed binge watching “The Good Place ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

• binged watched all three seasons of Netflix’s “Lost in Space ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Loki” ⭐️⭐️

• Binged watched the Korean science-fiction drama Sllent Sea” on Netflix ⭐️⭐️⭐️

• had started on series in progress, “Station Eleven” but based upon the first five episodes I have seen, i am not intenerested in completed the series nor reading the book(s) upoin which the series is based

In Movies

Spider-man No Way Home” ⭐️⭐️⭐️

• “Matrix: Resurrections” ⭐️⭐️

• “The King’s Man” ⭐️⭐️

• "Red Notice” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Next up, Daisy Miller and Casino Royale 

I am meaning to watch French Dispatch”, a couple of unrelated frat based movies, “Dune”, the “Foundation” series, and both seasons of “Alex Rider” based upon the YA spy novels.


** A word about my rating system. 

1 star = did not like, did not bother finishing

2 stars = completed the whole but either did not enjoy or was disappointed

3 stars = “meh"

4 stars = worth re-reading

5 stars = must include on my deserted island list