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November: Here is What I Read

Monday, November 8, 2021 16:27

     That time of the month again, where I share my lastest reads and viewing experiences.

     Since last post, I have decided to devote next year to what I am calling my Year of James. I shall limit my auxillary fiction reading to Henry Jamres novels and James Bond, only those written by Ian Fleming, books. I re-read recently Turn of the Screw and was captivated by some of the language and writing style. I remember liking James for his best imiatation of the Victorian prose style, for an American. I had not realized a number of titles I heard but never read, Daisy Miller, who I thought was written by Fitzgerald, and his Bostonians which I have yet to read despite having relocated here almost a decade ago now.

Meanswhile, some of my recent reads include

for Fiction

Freshwater by Akwaeke Emezi ⭐️* (out of 5)

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston ⭐️⭐️

• Department of Mind-Blowing Theories (cartoons) by Tom Gauld ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

• re-reading for the upteempth The Time Machine by H. G. Wells

in Non-Fiction

Humble Pi: When Math Goes Wrong in the Real World  by Matt Parker ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Math Myth by Andrerw Hacker ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Readings in Progress

• finishing re-reading The Woman in White by Wilike Collins

Infinitum: An Afrofututuristic Tale by Tm Fielder ⭐️⭐ (so far)

The James Bond ominibus: based on the original stories

• re-reading Plato’s Gorgias

• re-reading The Intimitation Game:Alan Turing Decoded by Jim Ottaviani; drawings by Leland Purvis

• found audiobook of Dave Farina’s Is This Wi-Fi Organic

• Introduction ot Theory of Numbers by H. G. Hardy and Wright

In Television and movies

• Completed watching “Lovecraft Country"

• I binged watched three seasons of “Ghost” — the original British version, not the American knockoff

• Binged watched “The Only Murders in the Building” 

• I plan on re-watching the first season on “Another Life” in preparation to watch season 2. Likewise, the first two seasons of “Lost in Space” for the final third season.

• For this month “Locke & Key” seasons 1 & 2 which is upcoming, which reminds me that I should pick up the original graphic novel series.

* A word about my rating system. 

1 star = did not like, did not bother finishing

2 stars = completed the whole but either did not enjoy or was disappointed

3 stars = “meh"

4 stars = worth re-reading

5 stars = must include on my deserted island list