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Recent Reads and Views (October 2021 edition)

Sunday, October 3, 2021 11:20

     In anticipation of my local public library’s virtual online “Tell Us What You Are Reaing” event, I list here some of the titles I read.

Oridinarily I am spend most of my library time at my’ local public library, but of late, I have committed to what I call library patron infidelity by spending more time at another public library. While there, I came across books on display centred around a common theme.

Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo — a read once already a year or two ago when she had spoke at the very same library

How To Be An Anti-Racist by Ibram X Kendi (Henry Rogers)

    Having no connexions wtht the recent release of the long delayed final James Bond movie, I re-read From Russia, With Love. Forty years or more have passed since I last read a James Bond novel. I miss some of those stories. In the coming months, I shall re-read all the original Fleming James Bond novels.

On the television and movies front:

• completed this seasons’s "Big Brother" (US)

• binged watched Netflix “Clickbait"

• binged watched the latest of “Rick & Morty” season 5

• watched “Utopia” the British version

Months ago, I watched the American version. I do not know which was the ‘original’ but comparison, I think the American version was better done and tighter writing and had stronger characters or acting that solicted emotional response.

• Jus this weekend, I discovered and watched “Adventures of a Mathematician” which is based upon the memoirs of mathematician Stanislav Ulam. During the course of watching the movie, I had not realised Ulam’s best friend John was in fact the famous, brilliant Jon von Neumann.

• “Squid Game” which I discovered via a Youtube recommendation that reviewed an episode of from this new series from (South) Korea.