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Recent Views (Janurary 2021)

Sunday, January 24, 2021 00:00

     Until tonight, I thought the most disappointing time travel themed movie was "Safety Not Guaranteed". Do Not watch the movie "Jimmy vs. His Future Self".
I have a very high tolerance for bad acting the kind MTS3K made fun of especially when the story or premise was enough to hook my attention. The principal love interests in JVHFS had zero -- as in 0 Kelvins, chemistry. I was taken out of the movie too many times to even imagine if the bad casting was intentional. By themselves, they were fine but together in this movie 🤮.

 Not since the bad casting of Bruce Willis paired with Joseph Gordon-Lovitt had there been a weaker effort at casting look-alike pair as in JVHFS. Heck, they did not make any effort and inserted a lame explanation to skip passed that obvious weak point.
 Hello, am I taking crazy pills, what about Keanu Reeves and Justin Long. Hello, Hollywood! Plus, given the diversity of roles and characters each has played, both are great actors in their own right.
 A better sample is the movie "Parallel" (2020 not to be confused with the intriguing 2015 failed TV series pilot) which had the best plot exposition scene in a movie ever, even included a whiteboard. There are nitpicks that crash the plot of the movie that I can gloss over for the story was rather good but was completely kaiboshed by one character who ruined it for everyone else and he precipitated the initial descent to disaster when he made a stupid move when the obvious choice was right there where he was.

     For any who do enjoy "Parallel", let me recommend "Time Lapse".
 On another note altogether, I enjoyed a bit of binge watching two Japan serials one of which most raved about, "Alice in Borderlands."
 Perhaps the comic book series contained more but I am bothered by the weakest tangential reference to Alice, of Wonderland fame. Better having an original theme without any hint or references.
 I'd like imagining myself clever like Arisu in solving the first puzzle but I would have been more like Chota. What puzzled me was why no one lived at their homes. Sure, I might take advantage of staying a night or two at 5-⭐️ hotel but most likely to sleep where I am most comfortable. Second, did not anyone bother exploring more of the city . . . or island? Third, why had not any thought to prep themselves going into a game? After the first puzzle, carrying a gas mask makes so much sense. Carrying a backpack of gadgets and tools seems like the least one can do.
I think the Brazilian series "3%" offered better clever twist of puzzles. "3%" is well worth watching.

     30歳まで童貞だと魔法使いになれるらしい proved to be both charming and delightful. Given the premise and prettiness, it was like watching a Korean love drama.