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Need a Word for This

Monday, January 11, 2021 15:56

What I shall say may offend or disappoint some Conservative identifying person's in my audience.
     The recent rash of deplatforming of . . . non-continuous explicit pro-SJW/Woke/etc. voices, because even pro-Socialist/Bernie Sanders voting/Left-leaning persons who dared even speaking or sharing their avenue with those of the Right, from moderate to extreme fringe, were also deplatformed is well within the liberty of the Tech Sector. They can and are free deciding who they want using their services both in access and usage. Their having broken contract may be cause for legal retaliation, at most.
I recall the original definition of 'fascism' as the case where the state favouring particular businesses over another usually through policy or government mandate. The definition of 'fascism' has expanded encompassing situations wherein the state favours a particular class of people over another, again via policy, regulation, enforcement, and other mechanism of authoritarian control.
By old and current definition, the Tech Sector's deplatforming of a particular subset of voices on various social media is not fascism nor an abridgment of USA Constitutional First Amendment rights. Unless evidence proves Pelosi, AOC, or Democrats colluded with Facebook, Twitter, et. al. in removing such opposition voices, what the Tech Sector has done is not a fascist action.
A new word may need to be coined that captures the specific instance when private corporation collectively side with one particular political persuasion. (Of course, a fair cynical read is such Tech co. are CYA move after given what happened to them last year and the fearful possibility given the Biden/Harris 'win'.)
To be sure, the same has occurred already with mainstream media e.g. CNN, New York Times, HuffPo with one-sided narratives that vilifies, ostracizes, and alienates dissenting views thus gaslighting those habouring other views into thinking they are the kooks & fringe believing they are alone. This impression of loniness is exacerbated when they are disconnected from the conduits of communication that allows them to connect with others from all sides of whatever persuasion.
Now, what they, the Tech Sector, has done is problematic for several reasons. One can be an escalated response . . . .  What scares me most -- and should everyone else, is the Tech Sector, and media conglomerations, given their embedded ubiquity in every participating lives has demonstrated the equivalent of legislative enforcement while unelected and without force. Unless one has a controlling interest in the private company shares, none have influence, resistance, nor immunity to the actions of a private entity or entities who have greater impact and power than the state itself.
Big Brother is a metaphor describing the totalitarian oppression by the government.
We have not the notion nor the vocabulary describing the oppression under the totalitarianism of private corporation(s) whose power and influence exceeds the state's.
(If such exist, then please enlighten me.)

     Capitalism does not fit the bill on account that word describes a condition and capitalism lacks agency, independent or organized.
     Market forces is deficient because such really is a consequence of swarm behaviour.