Let me say . . .


Opinions and elucidations that matter most.

They Are Not On Your Side

Thursday, November 12, 2020 15:35

     I did not vote for Trump neither in 2016 nor in 2020, but I wished I had voted for Trump, for arguements I agree with that I had shared already in a previous blog post.

      But for reasons like these are reasons why I worry about what Trump loss means.

Come now, people, can you even think for yourselves. Can you not see the blatant hypocrisy? You beleive there is no bias in media; and even acknowledging such, you are OK with that?

And, the following video illustrates against what I face and fight.

     Trump lost because the silent majority were to concerned about losing friends and family for expressing their earnest opinions. If you are afraid to speak your mind, silenced out of fear or out of worry of losing friends who may disagree with your opinions, then they were never your friends. A genuine friend accepts the flaws, including wrongheaded opinions, of those they regard as a friend.

     As for family -- f*** family. Their connection is by blood or by marriage not by elective affinities. Unless they are putting food in your mouth or a roof over your head, their intolerance matters not. (For all you closeted teens under such regimes, life does get better -- when you move-out or go away to college.)
Your life, whether existence, being, or purpose, does not depend upon social validation. Live your life, not other's.

     To the Trump supporters and to those non-Leftist, you will continue experiencing the oppressive gaslighting tyranny of Leftist regime. You will come to know how the early Christians felt in the Roman Empire.

     My advice is find your Galt Gulch. Just so you will know, I do not think you will need an actual physical local, just a space to call your own free from Leftist influence.