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I am Not Bitter: A personal reaction to election 2020 results

Wednesday, November 4, 2020 20:35

     The frightening reality is Orwellian prophecy coming into fruition with the tyranny of Leftism.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

     There is a subset of the American populace, even if minimized their numbers still account for at least half of the American citizenry, whose ideological stance, cultural values, and rational disposition is vilified and suppressed not just by those who oppose them but in coordination with propaganda from information disseminating institutions in conjunction with and a set of private industries with a ubiquitous presence in the quotidian lives of that control the conduit of information. Propaganda in the sense that one narrative from one side has wide mass distribution versus facts, anecdotes, and counter-narratives which are suppressed and censored receive less public inspection. The conglomeration -- nay, coalition entails a conspiring at gaslighting half the nation.

     Despite supporters's optimism for their incumbent candidate's re-election amidst the incomplete and posted ballot (re-)counts, I forecast a foregone conclusion that the challenger candidate will win. There is a preponderance of evidence giving all indications that this will be -- is a stolen win.

• Thousands attend rallies for one side versus the number who attend the other guy's can be counted at most on two hands.
• Repeating the hedging of bets in 2016 that favored Hillary, the same predictions that BOM will lose in a landslide; yet -- again, the election results are close, in many instances too close to call on Election night itself.
• The incumbent won the highest number of ethnic minority (i.e. Blacks and LatinX) votes for the Republicans in sixty years!
• The incumbent won more votes (counted in the millions) in this election than that last election
• The same party gained seats in the House and retained control over the Senate

And we are asked to believe and accept that all this was defeated above board and suspicion?
Oh, to be sure, there is some chicanery occurring.

• Denying the incumbent team to observe ballot (re-)counts
• Discovered ballots which has 100% going for one side
• Some one actually entering dead people into the voter registration list.
etc. etc. etc.

     The cheating is happening to no end all with the justification that necessary to remove the BOM (Bad Orange Man i.e. Trump). They had four years to orchestrate this maneuver; I doubt all can be undone in a few days and a handful of lawsuits.. Given there is no negative repercussions for cheating, I'd say, let the other side cheat their way to victory. Who ends up winning makes no difference to me without a dog in the proverbial fight, the political pendulum will swing back the other way, as it will again in future elections. Such is the cyclic nature of politics. Likewise, the economic status of the US will ebb and flow in reaction to the reformatted political landscape.  I am not bitter that my candidate only won 1.1%, a full two percentage points drop compared with the previous national election.

    Although there are supposed ideological differences between the GOP and the Democrats, their political ambitions remain equal: their quest to attain and retain power, Democrats do so via control over dependency class they create versus Republicans currying favor with the financially endowed. Of late, the GOP is but a husk of a once robust political party that championed the delimiting government intrusion in American lives. Constant retreating and compromising to Democrat's opposition has the GOP adopting a major premise of the Democratic Party that the Republicans's opposition to was a defining characteristic that distinguished them from Democrats making a compliant, effete GOP more of Democrat-lite party. Then comes Donald Trump.
     Trump's winning the presidency resuscitated a dying GOP. He infused the Republicans by bringing back the Reagan ideas and even stalwart aggressive resistance to Leftist encroachment by evoking Goldwater-like popular Conservatism. Trump is a convenient lightening rod channeling both the renewed interest in the Republican Party & Conservatism and the focused animosity by Leftism against all and any that oppose them. Trump is an effigy, both literally and metaphorically, used by Leftists to attack, vilify, and suppress dissenting voices making enemies of those who otherwise would have been complaisant or apathetic to their ideas e.g. gay marriage.
     What matters most about the recent presidential election, as did the previous election, is the social and cultural consequences. In some respects, the election was a backlash referendum upon Woke and Cancel Culture that has infected our daily lives.

Here are some videos that articulate reasons for pro-Trump stance better than I can.


For this one, best jump to 3hr 8min 9sec mark for start. You will know when to stop but only after hearing the post shre commentary





Plus this bit of mind boggling sophistry,

     That is scary. The encroachment of radical Leftist politics infecting every aspects of American lives, institutions, and traditions. Once is was just fringe students shouting our resistance to the authorities or establishment, now e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QVcYpuLrXg, we have the authorities asking how to curtail speech they disagree with; that is fascism.

     The fear for many non-Democrats is what has come out of Democrat governorship will happen to the nation as a whole. Everywhere Democrats have been in charge, and to a larger extend everywhere Leftism has been applied, e.g. Detroit, Chicago, California, New York, education, Hollywood genre franchises, professional sports, they have either diminished, devalued, or demolished the existing or burgeoning economy, institutions, and culture. The message from the videos I shared are the real fear that AntiFa and BLM antics with Defunding the Police are endorsed and will be emboldened continuing their public (dining experience) disruptive rants.

     Echoes of Orwell's prophecy, “[e]very record has been destroyed or falsified," e.g. disinformation by news media outlets and censored postings on social media platforms, "...every book rewritten," e.g. remakes, reboots, and even wholesale dismissal of legacy text written by 'dead old White men', "...every picture has been repainted," e.g. deep fake videos, selective editing, "...every statue and street building has been renamed," e.g. American statues are being torn down as if we were reliving the early days of post-Cold War Russia, and universities Princeton, Stanford, and Harvard are renaming their buildings and professorship titles in attempts to disassociate themselves with elements of their shameful past.

Now that Trump has been defeated, who will become the new Goldstein?