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Debate Debacle

Sunday, October 4, 2020 16:36

    Last night in a discussion about the recent presidential debate, I asked my friend, "What can Mike Pence do that would make you switch to voting for him and Trump?"

     His silent non-answer implies he had decided on already for whom he was voting. Which makes any debate pointless. 

     But as one political pundit comments, the debates are about persuading the elusive Undecided voters.

     Who the heck is Undecided about for whom they will vote!? Since the night of the recent presidential US election, even the anti-Trump, foreign press has made clear the bifurcated choice a voter must make or the formation of any non-US person's attitudinal perspective. Politics has always infected pop culture. The Woke Movement and such only has made the symptoms more apparent. Therefore being undecided is both impossible even in an attempt at  willfully ignorance in the face of political choices given in the past four years (here, I including the campaign season). What parameters or conditions must be satisfied in order for an undecided to make a decision?

     Does not make sense to me how anyone can be undecided.