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Who cares if God exists.

Monday, April 30, 2012 18:50

In moment of free thought, I coined a new word: apathetist. 

Definition: apathetist -- a person who does not care whether God exists or not If God exists, then God has set-up everything such it is pre-determined as to what happens. 

Only the theist hopes God is active and responses to prayers, but God has already determined which prayers to honor and not honor, thus continue with whatever action going to take because being God they already know what prayers people have. If God does not exists, then somewhat equivalent to the deist position in that God set-up reality such as it is and has gone on vacation. An absent God is equal to having no god. Then there is the position of “I don’t care”. If there is God, then God will do what God will do independent of wishful desires. If there is no God, then hells bells, what’s the difference?