The profession of arms, due to its very character of nobility and traditions, has always been epitpomized by pageantry and fanfare. The most ostentatious reflection of its splendour and magnificence since antiquity has been its rank strusture, hpnours and awards.Thpugh a process of evolution these have today come to symbolise the quintessence of this profession.An attempt has been made in this page to acquaint the viewer with the range structure, honours and awards of Pakistan Army.

Rank Structure is a necessary ingredient of articulation of commandand authority.Basically, our rank system has been borrowed from the British with certain channges to suit our environments.Today our ranksportray a cohesive force, unanimous in thought, relentless in purpose and indivisible in resolve.The emblems also bring out the proud traditions behind them.

Our culture and traditions are abundantly evident in our honours and awards.Our Army drawa inspiration from an islamic heritage which can truly boast of exalted magnificence.The effects of this are noticeably marked on our culture and traditions.The practice of hpnpuring outstanding deeds of gallantry and valour performed by soldiers through the conferment of medals is recognized all over the world. Similarly in Pakistan the military honours consist of operational and non-operational awards, which are further subdivided into gallantry, campaign and meritorius medals admissible to all ranks of the Army including para-military forces when serving under the federal Government.

This page iis a modest attempt to bring out the best traditions of the Pakistan Army in order to acquaint the viewers with such facts as have hitherto been only available in random details.In order to facilitate better understanding and comprehension, nu,nu,erous illustrations have been included in the page.


Second Lieutenant Wears one PIP
Lieutenant Wears Two PIP
Captain Wears Three PIP
Major Wears one Crescent
Lieutenant Colonel Wears One PIP And A Crescent
Colonel Wears Two PIPS And A Crescent
Brigadier Wears Two PIPS (Side By Side And Point To Point) And One PIP And A CRESCENT Above
Major General Wears Two PIPS And A CRESCENT
Lieutenant General Wears Crossed SWORD and BATON with One PIP
General Wears Crossed SWORD and BATON with A CRESCENT
Major General Wears Crossed SWORD and BATON with One PIP And A CRESCENT
Field Marshal Wears CROSSED BATONS On A Wreath Of LAUREL With CRESCENT

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