Ptoject MPB II
See the original Project MPB
This is my second atempt to be BALD.  I have failed to be a complete baldie last time due to the time consuption and friends' notice off my FAKE balding process. However, I could not give up the idea of becoming BALD. Not a clean skinhead nor simple baldness, but Male Pattern Baldness. Also I like the PROCESS of losing hiar. Therefore, I have started the secret mission, Projust MPB on Novenber of 2002. There is no projected completion date, becuase I want to keep this project "on going" as long as my circomstances allows. At the moment as I write this introduction, it is very ideal situation to be between jobs and the pople around have not seen me for a while. Also it is believable and natural to everyone that i am losing my hair for I am late twenties, and for the fact that my father and uncle are both bald.
November 15, 2002.

Restarted the project. Really not noticable but thined hair at temples and crown to give the impression of naturally balding.
I had my camera broken before and that was the one of the main reasons why the project had been stopped.  Now I bought a degital camera, just to record this project, though it was the cheapest kind.
November 16, 2002.

Kept receiding the front and thining the top. It is hard to see on the picture but the balding is visible and noticable.
Used the hair clipper's thinning function to invade about an inch upon the each temples.
The frontal line is the same place but the hair is way thinner not only up wards but also outwards. 
November 18, 2002.

Had a new hair cut. It was a chance to advance the MPB.
The strip line on the top is visible. And the bald patch is apeared on the crown.
Whole front line has receded about an inch, and the thinning are in front top is distinguishable for more natural look. 
November 19, 2002.

I had job interviews. In order to give full impression of balding, make the imaginary bald spots even thinner. The result of the effect was great. Because my hair is black and thick, the skin is blueish and unntural when that color shows. So I used foundation to cover up. The result of the effect was great and more natural. Foundation also makes hair look even thinner and sparse.
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