O'Barr's non-Crow work of the 80s
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"It is said, for a price, anything is available at Gideon's..."

A 200 something vampire punk enters Gideon's Pawn in search of mortality. He's not tired of being a vampire- he's just sick of being stuck in the body of a 12 year old. After an unholy exchange allowing the punk 7 years age, he's runover and killed upon exiting the shop. How's that for mortality?

Note: O'Barr would incorporate Gideon's Pawn into
The Crow, while writer Kyle Garrett would go on to script further tales of Gideon's in the pages of Caliber Presents.
Appeared in:
Caliber Presents #2, Mar 1989
8 pages
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On to the 90s...>>
Television runs amok when a serial killer leapfrogs through classic programming. In this installment, Raisch faces off against the crew of the USS Enterprise. As usual, Raisch is pursued by a lawman intent on bringing him to justice- a lawman so intent he's willing to use the Enterprise to level a planet!
Appeared in: Fugitive #1, Oct 1989
13 pages
Gideon's by Gary Reed (writing as Kyle Garrett)
& James O'Barr
w/ letters by Randy Zimmerman
Appeared in:
Caliber Presents #5, July 1989
6 pages
Mark C. Perry spins a tale of european vampires taking on a new companion in this chilling prose story illustrated by O'Barr.