My Story of Adoption Nightmare
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How They Stole My Baby
The Secrets and Lies of Open Adoption

What follows is a true story.
It is the story of my daughter and I,
her adopters and the adoption agency;
Small Miracles Foundation of the Rockies,
formerly of Englewood, Colorado,
and how she was stolen from me.

In October of 1995, I received an introductory package from Small Miracles, a local adoption agency in Englewood, Colorado, USA. In it I received a cover letter and various other informational items. After reading the information I wanted MORE information.

I contacted the agency to pursue my options out of the three choices I had; Open Adoption, abortion or raise my daughter myself. I thought Open Adoption was the best answer for me. My Kaitlin would have not have the fear that she would never know who I was, nor would I have to worry about her well being because I would know her. I realize the importance of maintaining ties to the Natural family, and that is why I pursued open adoption so I would have contact with her while she was growing up.

I signed the Adoption Agreement, because I noted that in the agreement there was a time period following the birth of my daughter, in which I was free to change my mind and regain custody, if that was my desire. Above all it was stressed to me, by both the adoption agency and the "prospective" adopters, that my desires and wishes would be followed, and we were all bound by the promises in the adoption agreement/plan.

After my daughter was born I gave temporary custody to Small Miracles and they in turn gave temporary custody to the prospective adopters under the terms and conditions outlined in our agreement. See above, right.

The following three weeks were filled with what-ifs and doubts as to whether I had made the right decision. I was worried that the agreements of the adoption wouldn't be kept. After numerous 'red flags' I finally came to the realization that there was something not right and I did not want to place my daughter, I wanted her back. It became apparent when I asked to see my daughter and was told by the adoptress that she didn't want to take my daughter around 'germs.' I'm not a germ, I'm her mother. That told me in a nutshell that she wasn't going to let me see her again. When the counsler called and 'forced' my decision I told her I wanted my daughter back.

I questioned how the OWNER of the Agency could he be qualified to do an evaluation of my parenting skills? When I pointed this out to the monster at the agency, she stated that indeed he was qualified. (He was not, he's a disbarred attorney)

I then pointed out that as the owner of the Adoption Agency he had a vested interest in the adoption and therefore should be barred from evaluating me because it was a conflict of interest. Well, it seems that this is not a concern for Small Miracles, and why should it be, after all they are the ones who would gain by his role in the evaluation! He would then be the one who decides whether they lose 40% of the Adoption Fee or not, or get the full $10,000.00 they sold my daughter for. Plainly, this is what I call a stacked deck, and it's not stacked in the Natural parents favor by along shot!

The agency rep then told me I would have to go and get my daughter. I was glad to do this, if they would have told me
WHERE I was supposed to find her! I asked her to give me the address, tell me where my baby was, she refused!

It was then that I realized they had hidden my daughter. I had NO clue where she was. I was then informed that the adoption agency would go to court and have me declared abandoned of my daughter! How could I have abandoned her when I am begging for them to tell me where she is so I can get her? Ah, but of course, since I didn't have an address or know where she was, they could prove I had abandoned her. That's a trick they used back in the 1960's when baby stealing first started. Buying a baby didn't start until the 1990's.

I was told that the adoption would proceed without me! I was scared and I didn't doubt for one minute that they would try have me declared unfit without my knowledge or go to court without me. They wouldn't tell me where the court house was either. I didn't know it was held in the county where the agency was. I had refused to go to the first relinquishment hearing because of the incertainty. I was too distraught to realize that I could go to the courts and tell them of the lies, that I didn't want to loose my daughter. Never crossed my mind. What did cross my mind is I wanted to know my daughter and I had a promise that I would be able to know her.

When my daughter was 5 weeks old, 2 weeks after I had informed Small Miracles that I wanted my daughter BACK, I received a letter from my daughter's prospective adopters. Now, keep in mind that all the conversations between me and the Agency workers are supposed to remain confidential. Read Heather's letter to me about the confidentiality. The adopter's letter addressed every one of the reasons I told the agency worker I wanted my daughter back. How could they have known WHY I was reconsidering relinquishment if they weren't coached during the whole process? And that's exactly what happened...they were told of my fears and each lie was addressed to convince me to give up my baby.

There is only one answer and that is Small Miracles breached the contract I had signed, that stated that our conversations would not be repeated to the prospective adopters and I could change my mind. It is my belief that the adoption agency shared my thoughts with the adopters and coached the 'prospective' adopters so they could say what they thought I wanted to hear. Why wouldn't they? The adoption agency and the adopters lose money and the adopters lose the baby. BUT that is the risk taken when adopters enter into adoption and they know this.

Efforts to see my daughter as per the agreement (see prospective adoptress letter written to me) resulted in this farce of a letter from Brenda. Brenda KNEW I wanted my baby back as she attended two meetings with me. One at a Village Inn and the other at the offices of Small Miracles. And Brenda got the adoptress letter filled with lies via fax. Her fax phone number is at the top of the letter.

I couldn't allow my daughter to be stolen away from me so eventually I ended up hiring a lawyer to help me reclaim my child. I am not financially "privileged" and it was hard to pay for the attorney fees, BUT my daughter was worth it!

The relinquishment hearing were far from objective as they were presided over by the MAGISTRATE Judge Schwartz, herself an adoptive mother. I ask you, how can an adoptive mother hear cases and rule in favor of justice when decisions that favor a natural parents rights could have bearing on her own PERSONAL life? Is this not a classic form of CONFLICT OF INTEREST? If she were to serve on a jury in a case involving adoption wouldn't she most likely be excused? Apparently this is not a concern in the Arapahoe County Colorado Court System.

In my case, Judge Schwartz ruled on my motion to set aside the relinquishment before she even held a hearing on the matter! Or before Small Miracles could submit an answer. She KNEW she was going to turn it down long before it was put before her. She had to have ignored the documents and letters we provided with our complaint. Any decision she made probably could have affected HER own adoptions.

Judge Schwartz also ignored a Federal mandate. According to the Indian Child Welfare Act, every possible effort is supposed to be made to place an American Indian Child in an Amerian Indian Family so she is assured of learning of her culture and heritage. Small Miracles, and Judge Schwartz blatanly chose to ignore this Federal Law. Even after the counslor specifically asked the Natural father if there was American Indian in his family, she KNEW, and she knew she was required to ask. Is this not a crime? Shouldn't Judge Schwartz be forced to resign from her position because of this? And her conflict of interest. Again, not according to the Arapahoe County Courts and the state of Colorado

Upon receiving her decision I immediately asked for a review by Judge Schwartz's superior, Judge Stuart. He in turn vacated Schwartz's original decision and remanded the case back to her court for a review. Judge Schwartz is an adoptive parent herself. I had no chance of winning my case as long as she presided over my case and she wasn't happy about it.

The review never came. Instead of an explanation and proof of a formal review, Judge Schwartz made her final judgement before the time period even ran out. She simply stated that her decision stood for all the reasons she outlined before. Nothing more was said. Should she not be forced to detail what she did to review the case? Apparently there are no provisions in place to assure that even when ordered to by the court, that a judge will competently re-review a case. Furthermore, why should the judge who made the initial decision be ALLOWED to review it? Shouldn't it go to another judge? How can a judge even allow herself to consider turning over her own verdict, wouldn't this serve only to discredit herself if she did? Surely it is common sense that this would be considered a flawed procedure and a drastic miscarriage of justice!

After her final judgement I was crushed. I couldn't afford to file an appeal and all for a situation that should never have been allowed to continue past the first day of my phone call when my daughter was just 3 weeks old.

In a last ditch attempt to procure justice for myself and my daughter I wrote a personal plea to Judge Stuart. I thought surely he would remember the case and surely he would see the corruption I had pointed out to him.

Instead of taking action to stop this horrendous nightmare, Judge Stuart simply informed me that the ONLY remedy I had available was an Appeal. As I said I couldn't afford the attorney's fees for this situation, so once again the corrupt adoption industry and judicial system prevails over the Natural parents, with no hope.

I miss my daughter and I still cry for her. I know that some day we will be together again, but it's hard not being able to hold her and it's heartbreaking thinking of what I'm missing and what she's missing. I still have her baby stuff for her....

I have decided that I will not let this happen to other unsuspecting women/girls. To do that is to EDUCATE! That's the purpose of this website. I will try to reach as many women/girls as I can and let them know that adoption to strangers is not the option. The truth is it's selling a human being that YOU made, not some car or other material thing, it's a human that was sold to the highest bidder.

If you are pregnant and feel you cannot raise the baby then consider a family member. Don't let your chances of knowing your baby go, when there is an alternative choice other than stranger adoption. Let some one in your family raise your child. Think before you act. It could cost you your heart, a part of your soul and a piece of you.

Having this website will let my daughter know that I love her and did not want to loose her. She knows that anyway, but it's in writing here. I have not forgotten her. I think of her every second of every minute of every hour of every day. She will also know that her adopters lied to me to get her. That's not love, that stealing.

My daughter deserves to know the truth! As do all adoptees. How can I trust that she will be given that opportunity?

Yes, world, the baby selling trade is alive and well in Colorado as well as across the United States.

Will your loved one be next? Don't think it can't happen to any one in your family, because it can!

I appreciate your comments, thoughts and suggestions.

Kaitlin's Mom

Due to harassment from individuals, I have taken down the guestbook. Please be sure to visit the rest of my site, including what you can do to prevent this tragedy from happening to you or your loved ones, and how you can fight to ensure that adoptee's are told the truth of their origins. They deserve a copy of their original birth certificates.

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These are links to scanned letters/documents I received and a typed copy of the information described to the left.



Actual Cover Letter
Typed Letter



SM Adoption Agreement Typed Copy






Newspaper article about Jeff Lavenhar's disbarment.






Lynne's Letter

Typed Letter




Brenda's Letter






Magistrates Decision


Typed Decision



Judge Stuart Reversal

Typed Reversal




Magistrates Final Decision

Typed version





Judge Stuarts reply

Typed reply

