Products of sharks

Sharks are not only hunted for fun.there are many things that sharks are used for and although some people just throw them back after taking their fins their bodies can be used for other things.It is wrong that Sharks should be endangered because of "Human Needs".

Flesh has never really taken off in a lot of country's though in Europe Dogfish is sold as rock Salmon, which could become a large threat if this is kept up.

In some cases shark skin is used to polish wood, though only from certain species (mainly rays however) or even placed on the handles of swords.Of course the usual things are also made out of shark skin such as shoes and other leather products.

Yes even the eyes are used, for human corneal transplants.

Shark blood contains useful elements (anticoagulant compounds) that are used in treatment of coronary conditions in humans.

shark cartilage contains a range of biochemicals that can be used in the treatment of burns

Fins are used a lot in sharkfin soup, an oriental dish made from fibres in the dorsal,pectoral and lower caudal fins of a lot of shark species.
Shark livers are rich in vitamin A and in humans this is essential for healthy eyes.They're also used in paints and cosmetics.

Jaws and Teeth
Shark teeth are often used in jewellery such as necklaces, or Jaws have been used for "trophies" by fishermen.They have also been used by eskimos and islanders to make knives and weapons.

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