Created June 2003 � �harang� - Sharang's Place

Please do not place or copy this tutorial without my permission, you are more than welcome to link to it with a text link. This tutorial is written for PSP7 and assumes you have a good working knowledge of the PSP tools. Any resemblence to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

Supplies Needed

Paint Shop Pro
Filters Unlimited PlugIn - Buy It Here
The Font I Used - Here - Cassatta Zig
The Tube I Used - Here

1. Open the tube in PSP. Image > Resize by 65%, all layers checked. Re-name this layer Swirl. Image > Canvas Size. Width = 400. Height = 400.
Centre Horizontally and Vertically both checked.

2. Add a new raster layer and name it bckg. Layers > Arrange > Send To Bottom.
Floodfill this layer with whatever colour you'd like for your background.
Turn the visibility off on this layer and click on your Swirl layer to make it active.

3. Layers > Duplicate and re-name the duplicated layer Tube.
Turn the visibility off on this layer and click on Swirl to make it active.

4. Image > Rotate using these settings.
Direction - Left. Free - Checked and 45. All layers - Unchecked.
Position your rotated tube in the top left hand corner of your canvas.
Layers > Duplicate. Image > Mirror.
Layers > Duplicate. Image > Flip.
Layers > Duplicate. Image > Mirror.

5. Using your mover tool position all 4 copies so that they are just touching each other in the centre of your canvas leaving a small diamond shape in the middle.
Layers > Merge > Merge Visible.

6. Image > Resize by 80%, all layers unchecked.
Effects > Geometric Effects > Twirl > 720. Repeat the twirl again.
Effects > PlugIns > Filters Unlimited 2 > Distortion Filters > Crumple using the default settings.
Effects > PlugIns > Filters Unlimited 2 > Lens Effects > Refractor 1.
Effects > Sharpen > Sharpen. Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow using these settings :
Vertical and Horizontal = 2. Opacity = 70. Blur = 6. Colour = #808080.

7. Click on your tube layer to make it active.
Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow using the same settings as before but changing the colour to black.
Repeat the drop shadow again but change the Vertical and Horizontal to -2.
Layers > Merge > Merge Visible. Position your merged image in the upper left of your canvas.

8. Add a new raster layer for your text.
Using your text tool add your text using the following settings:
Text Name - Cassatta Zig. Size - 36. Bold, Floating and Antialias all checked.
Styles Stroke and Fill both white.

9. Effects > PlugIns > Super Blade Pro using any nice silver preset.
Selections > Select None.
Image > Rotate using these settings.
Direction - Left. Free - Checked and 45. All layers - Unchecked.
Effects > Sharpen > Sharpen twice.
Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow using the following settings :
Vertical and Horizontal = 2. Opacity = 70. Blur = 6. Colour = #404040.

10. Click on your Bckg layer to make it active.
Layers > Merge > Merge All (Flatten).
Save as a JPG and you're done.

I hope you enjoyed doing this tutorial and that you like your new sig.


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