To see the finished product on a webpage, click Here.

Created March 2004 � �harang� - Sharang's Place

Please do not place or copy this tutorial without my permission,
you are more than welcome to link to it with a text link.

This tutorial is written for PSP7 and assumes you have a good
working knowledge of the PSP tools.

Any resemblence to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

Supplies Needed

Paint Shop Pro
The Font I Used - Here - Bickham Script Fancy 2.
My Mask - Here
This beautiful tube I used - Here
The stunning lady tube is by Jarah from JCW Designs.
Many thanks Jarah for your kind permission to use your awesome tubes.

I've had quite a few comments on my latest stationary
I made so I figured I'd write a tutorial on
It came about out of frustration. I had all of these truly
stunning tubes that I couldn't find a use for. You know
the ones, just the head and
So I turned them all into this simple, elegant stationary.

1. Open the tube and mask in PSP. Minimise the mask for now.
Shift & D to duplicate the lady tube and close the original for future use.
Image > Resize by 50% Bicubic Resample, All layers - Checked.
Image > Canvas Size 300 width x 300 height,
Centre Image Horizontally and Vertically both checked.

2. Layers > New Raster Layer.
Layers > Arrange > Send To Bottom.
Floodfill this new layer with white.

3. In your layer palette, click back on your tube layer to make it active.
Masks > New > From Image using this configuration.

4. Masks > Delete.
Click on Yes to the pop-up window.

5. In your layer paletter, click on your bottom layer to make it active.
Floodfill with solid colour #E6DDCC.
If you're using a different tube, use a pale colour from that tube instead.
Image > Canvas Size 200 width x 300 height,
Centre Image Horizontally and Vertically both checked.
Using your Mover Tool, position the lady over to the left & up slightly.

6. Set your foreground to Null.
Set your background to solid colour #DDC3AB.
Apply your text using the following settings.

7. Keep your text selected.
Position it to where you're wanting it to be.
Effects > 3D Effects > Inner Bevel using these settings.

8. Selections > Select None.
Image > Canvas Size as follows.

9. Layers > New Raster Layer.
Layers > Arrange > Send To Bottom.
Floodfill this new layer with solid colour #E6DDCC.
Image > Canvas Size as follows.

10. Layers > New Raster Layer.
Layers > Arrange > Send To Bottom.
Floodfill this new layer with solid colour #E6DDCC.
Image > Canvas Size as follows.

11. Layers > New Raster Layer.
Layers Arrange > Send To Bottom.
Floodfill this new layer with solid colour #DDC3AB.
If you're using a different tube, use a darker colour from that.

12. In your layer palette, click on Layer 2 to make it active.
Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow using these settings.

13. In your layer palette, click on Layer 3 to make it active.
Edit > Repeat Drop Shadow.

14. In your layer palette, click on Layer 4 to make it active.
Edit > Repeat Drop Shadow.

15. Layers > Merge > Merge All (Flatten).
Save as a JPG and you're done!

I hope you enjoyed doing this tutorial and you like your result.


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