Created July 2003 � �harang� - Sharang's Place

Please do not place or copy this tutorial without my permission,
you are more than welcome to link to it with a text link.

This tutorial is written for PSP7 and assumes you have
a good working knowledge of the PSP tools.

Any resemblence to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

Supplies Needed

Paint Shop Pro & Animation Shop
MuraMeister's Copies - Available Here
Filters Unlimited - Buy It Here
The Font I Used - Here - Gessele
The Tube I Used - Here - I have no knowledge as to the origin of this tube,
if it belongs to you please let me know so that I can give you full credit for it.

1. Open the tube in PSP. Shift & D to dupicate it and close the original.
Image > Re-size by 50% Bicubic Resample, All Layers Checked.
Image > Canvas Size 500 width x 500 height,
Centred Horizontally & Vertically both checked.

2. Layers > New Raster Layer.
Layers > Arrange > Send To Bottom.
Floodfill this layer with white.

3. Click on your tube layer to make it active.
Layers > Duplicate.
Turn off the visibility on this copy layer and
click back on your tube layer to make it active again.

4. Effects > PlugIn Filters > MuraMeister > Copies using these settings.

5. Effects > PlugIn Filters > Filters Unlimited using these settings.
Distortion Filters > Ink Blots > Intensity - 88.

6. Image > Re-size by 85% Bicubic Resample, All Layers Unchecked.
Using your mover tool, position this up and to the right slightly.

7. Using your selection tool set at Rectangle, Feather - 0, Antialias - Checked.
Select a section of this background, try to get a few of the colours in.
Selections > Convert To Seamless Pattern.
Minimise this pattern until you need it.
Back on your canvas go to Edit > Undo New Selection.

8. Set your foreground to Solid colour #F870BA and set your background to
Pattern and locate the pattern you just made and minimised, Scale = 100, Angle = 0.

9. Using your text tool, click on your canvas and add your text using these settings.

10. Using the centre node, position your text where you're happy with it.

11. Layers > Duplicate twice. You now have 3 vector layers with your text on.

12. Click on your 1st text layer, your original one. Layers > Convert To Raster Layer.
Effects > 3D Effects > Inner Bevel. Use the frame preset but change the depth to 2.

13. Click on your next text layer, your first copy.
Click on the + at the side of it in your layer palette then double-click on your name.
This will bring up your text entry box.
Click on your Styles > Fill Box Pattern and change the angle to 120, click on OK.
Click on OK again to complete the change.
Layers > Convert To Raster Layer.
Effects > 3D Effects > Inner Bevel using the same settings.

14. Click on your last text layer, your second copy.
Repeat all of step 13 for this layer but change the angle to 240.
Don't forget to convert it to a raster layer and apply the same Inner Bevel.

15. Click on your tube layer that you had hidden to make it active.
Position it if necessary using your mover tool.
Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow using these settings and colour #8D7B93.

16. Apply the same Drop Shadow to all 3 text layers.

17. Click on your patterned background layer to make it active.
Apply the same drop shadow but change the Vertical to - 4 and the Horizontal to 4.

Nearly done now, just to make it all

18. Click on your tube layer to make it active. Layers > Duplicate twice.
Click on your patterned background layer. Layers > Duplicate twice.
Click on your white background layer. Layers > Duplicate twice.
You should now have 3 copies of each layer, 12 layers in total.

19. Turn off the visibility on your top two layers of tube,
text, patterned background and white background.
Layers > Merge > Merge Visible.
Re-name this layer 1 and turn off the visibility.

20. Turn on the visibility on your first copy of tube,
text, patterned background and white background.
Layers > Merge > Merge Visible.
Re-name this layer 2 and turn off the visibility.

21. Turn on the visibility on your second copy of tube,
text, patterned background and white background.
Layers > Merge > Merge Visible.
Re-name this layer 3.

22. Turn the visibility on all 3 of your layers back on.
Crop to size making sure you don't get any of the drop shadow.
Re-size to a size you like (All Layers Checked) and save in PSP format.

23. Open your saved PSP file in Animation Shop.
Edit > Select All.
Animation > Frame Properties > Display Time = 30. Click on Ok.
Run your animation and save as a GIF.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and that you like your new sig.


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� Sharang's Place 2003
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