To see the finished product on a webpage click Here

Created September 2003 � �harang� - Sharang's Place

Please do not place or copy this tutorial without my permission,
you are more than welcome to link to it with a text link.

This tutorial is written for PSP7 and AS and assumes you have a good
working knowledge of the PSP tools.

Any resemblence to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

Supplies Needed

Paint Shop Pro
My Supplies - Here - This includes the tube and my mask.
I have no knowledge of the origin of this tube. If it belongs to you,
please let me know so that I can give you full credit for it.

1. Open the tube and the mask in PSP.
Minimise the mask for now.
Shift & D the tube to duplicate it and close the original.

2. Image > Re-size by 68% Bicubic Resample, All Layers - Checked.
Image > Canvas Size. Width and Height both 250.
Centre image horizontally and vertically both checked.

3. Layers > New Raster Layer.
Layers > Arrange > Send To Bottom.
Floodfill this layer with colour #1094B0.

4. Layers > New Raster Layer.
Set your foreground colour to #E8FBFE and your background to #C8F3FA.
Set your foreground to gradient and choose the Foreground-Background.
Using the following settings floodfill this new layer :

5. Masks > New > From Image.
Locate the mask you minimised earlier.
Source Luminence - Checked. Everything else - Unchecked.
Masks > Delete. Click on yes to the pop-up window.

6. Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow using these settings :

7. Click on your tube layer to make it active.
Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow.
Use the same settings but change the colour to black.

8. Layers > Merge > Merge Visible.

9. Image > Canvas Size using these settings :

10. Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow using these settings :

11. Layers > New Raster Layer.
Layers > Arrange > Send To Bottom.
Floodfill this new layer with colour #A9D4DB.

12. Layers > Merge > Merge All (Flatten).
Save as a JPG and you're done!

I hope you enjoyed doing this tutorial.
Enjoy using your background in e-mails or on a website.


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� Sharang's Place 2003
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