Created May 2003 � �harang� - Sharang's Place

Please do not place or copy this tutorial without my permission,
you are more than welcome to link to it with a text link.

This tutorial is written for PSP7 and AS and assumes you
have a good working knowledge of the PSP tools.

Any resemblence to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

Supplies Needed

Paint Shop Pro & Animation Shop
The Font I Used - Here - Arial Rounded MT Bold
My Game Grid Tube - Here

1. Open my grid tube in PSP and minimise for later.

2. Open a new image 100 height x 100 width, floodfill with white.

3. Duplicate this layer 7 times.

4. Hide the visibilty on all layers except the first and make it active.

5. Set your styles foreground and background colours both to #939EC0.

6. Set your text to Arial Rounded MT Bold, size 40, Bold checked,
Floating and Antialias both checked.

7. Type just the first letter of your name.

8. Hold down the control button and press X on your
keyboard, then control and L. This adds the letter
as a new layer and makes sure it's in the centre.

9. Effects > 3D Effects > Inner Bevel.
Use the groove preset but change the Smoothness to 10
and the Ambience to 21 and the Intensity to 40.

10. Merge visible and re-name it the first letter of your name.

11. Turn off the visibilty on this layer and make your second layer active.

12. Repeat steps 7-10 with each letter of your name.
You will have to adapt if your name is longer or shorter than 8 letters.
You could add dings or tubes to any spare layers.
When you've finished you should have 8 layers with a letter or logo on each.

13. Starting with the top layer do the following for each layer:
Highlight the layer. Edit > Copy. Edit > Paste As New Image.
Minimise and do the next layer. You can now close your original tile.

14. Do the following for each of the new tiles:
Effects > 3D Effects > Buttonise using these settings:
Height and Width both 15, Opacity 80, transparent edge checked.

15. Click on the first letter tile and Edit > Copy.
Bring up your grid that you minimised at the beginning.
Edit > Paste As New Layer.
Using your mover tool, position it in the first square.

16. Repeat step 15 with each of your tiles until all your
squares are full except the last one.
You should now have 9 layers in your palette all visible.

Still with me? Not long now...rofl.

17. Merge Visible and save as 1. Edit > Undo Merge Layers.

18. Using your mover tool, carefully move the bottom
middle tile to the empty space.
Merge Visible and save as 2.
Edit > Undo Merge Layers.

19. Using your mover tool again, carefully move the
centre tile down to the empty space.
Merge Visible and save as 3.
Edit > Undo Merge Layers.

20. Move the middle left tile over to the empty space.
Merge Visible and save as 4. Edit > Undo Merge Layers.

21. Move the top left tile down to the empty space.
Merge Visible and save as 5. Edit > Undo Merge Layers.

22. Move the top middle tile over to the empty space.
Merge Visible and save as 6. Edit > Undo Merge Layers.

23. Move the centre tile up to the empty space.
Merge Visible and save as 7. Edit > Undo Merge Layers.

24. Move the middle right tile over to the empty space.
Merge Visible and save as 8. Edit > Undo Merge Layers.

25. Move the top right tile down to the empty space.
Merge Visible and save as 9. Edit > Undo Merge Layers. can stop there if you like or carry on doing the same for as
long as you I did a few more and ended up with 21 saved images.

26. Open Animation Shop and run the Animation Wizard at default settings.
Window 1 - Same size as the first image - checked.
Window 2 - Transparent - checked.
Window 3 - Centred in the frame - checked. With the canvas colour - checked.
Window 4 - Yes, repeat the animation indefinitely - checked. Length per frame - 30.
Window 5 - Add your imges in order.
Click on finish.

27. Edit > Select All. Edit > Copy.
Click on your last frame and Edit > Paste After Current Frame.
Animation > Reverse Frames.
Right-click on your first copied frame (it should be highlighted in red) and delete it.
Re-size if you want to. Run your animation and save as a GIF.

I hope you enjoyed doing this tutorial. Have fun with your new sig!


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