Created October 2003 � �harang� - Sharang's Place

Please do not place or copy this tutorial without my permission,
you are more than welcome to link to it with a text link.

This tutorial is written for PSP7 and assumes you have a good
working knowledge of the PSP tools.

Any resemblence to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.

Supplies Needed

Paint Shop Pro
MuraMeister's Copies - Available Here
Tronds 1 - Available Here
Eye Candy 4000 - Available Here
The Font I Used - Here - 8 Pin Matrix.
My Supplies - Here - This includes the tube and my mask.
This wonderful tube is by Audieanne at Montage Menagerie. Many thanks Audieanne.

1. Open the tube and mask in PSP. Minimise the mask for now.
Shift & D to duplicate the tube and close the original for future use.
In your layer palette, click on the watermark layer to make it active.
Layers > Delete.
Image > Resize by 50% Bicubic Resample, All layers - Checked.
Image > Canvas Size - Width and Height both at 400,
Centre Image Horizontally and Vertically - both checked.

2. Click on your freehand tool and set it to these configurations :
Point To Point. Feather = 0. Antialias - Checked.
Select the area at the bottom of the image similar to this :

3. Selections > Float.
Selections > Modify > Feather by 15.
Hit delete on your keyboard approx. 7 times.
Selections > Select None.

4. Layers > Duplicate.
Turn off the visibility on this copy and click back on the original to make it active.
Image > Resize by 130% Bicubic Resample, All Layers - Unchecked.

5. Effects > PlugIn Filters > MuraMeister's Copies using these settings :

6. Masks > New > From Image using these settings :

7. Masks > Delete. Click on yes in the pop-up box.
Layers > Duplicate.

8. Set your background colour to white.
Effects > PlugIn Filters > Tronds > Brodere 1.

9. Click on your magic wand, Tolerance and Feather both at 0.
Click on any of the black lines, all your black should now be selected.
Hit delete on your keyboard.
Selections > Select None.
Effects > Sharpen > Sharpen.

10. Effects > PlugIn Filters > Eye Candy 4000 > Glass.
Use the Clear Glass setting and choose the Subtle Hump in the Bevel Profile.

11. Click on your bottom layer to make it active.
Lower the opacity on this layer to approx. 70.

12. Click on your top layer to make it visible and active.
Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow using these settings :

13. Click on your middle layer to make it active.
Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow using these settings :

14. Click on your bottom layer to make it active.
Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow using the same settings
but changing the colour to black.

15. Click back on your top layer to make it active.
Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow using these settings :

16. Layers > New Raster Layer.
Add your text to this layer using these settings :

17. Position your text, you can use my finished sig above as a guide.
Selections > Select None.
Effects > Sharpen > Sharpen.

18. Effects > PlugIn Filters > Eye Candy > Glass.
Use the same settings as before.

19. Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow.
Use the same settings but change the vertical to -2 and the horizontal to 2.

20. Layers > Merge > Merge Visible.

21. Click on your crop tool and then click on crop settings.
Select Opaque Area - Current Layer = Checked.
Click on OK then click on Crop Image.
Layers > Merge > Merge All (Flatten).

Save as a JPG and you're done!

I hope you enjoyed doing this tutorial and that you like your new sig.


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