Patanjal Yog in English (work in progress)

Now Yoga will be explained (1.1).

Yoga is science of mind and beyond. So before we start explaining Yoga, we must understand what mind is and how it functions.

Pattern of Mind -

If we look deeply, we will find that a typical Worldly mind runs on pre-defined grooves and have a set pattern to follow. Throughout the life, consciously or unconsciously, mind is striving hard to attain happiness and avoid non-happiness. Happiness and non-happiness are responsible for creating conducive and non-conducive environment respectively. We also know that definition of happiness or non-happiness varies from mind to mind, which in turn depends upon past conditioning and background.

We are endowed with body, senses, mind, intellect and memory, which are capable of interacting with various objects, ideas and situations etc. The proximity of an object generates knowledge about the object. Then mind starts contemplation on the object and starts identifying itself with the object by projecting a complete future, which becomes the base of the desire. Further consolidation takes place and mind decides to attain the desired object. In order to attain the object, mind exerts its influence on the gross equipment (body) and forces it to take an action to attain the desired object. The result of this action is a mix of conducive or non-conducive environment in varying ratio.

The achieved conduciveness will either consolidates predefined likes or creates a new liking for the attained object. Likes give rise to attachment to the object along with fear of losing it, which gives rise to the greed i.e. to have more. When mind repeatedly moves on a new pattern, it becomes a habit. Then mind flows in the groves and we are dragged behind it.

Any obstruction in achieving the desired conducive environment or facilitation on the way to non-conducive environment is dealt with worry and anger, which leads to distortion of knowledge and loss of focus. In this state, mind losses its power to discriminate, which leads to downfall and non-fulfillment of the objective. This outcome further amplifies the non-conducive environment and mind gets trapped in the vicious circle, leading to pain and misery.

Happiness is the root cause of non-happiness -

Mind always wants to attain happiness and avoid non-happiness through the external Worldly object. Since these objects are transient in nature they give momentary happiness, which is followed by non-happiness. Indirectly we can say that this happiness is the root-cause of non-happiness. Both happiness and non-happiness are complimentary and cannot be separated from each other. In a way happiness is less sadness and sadness is less happiness. Also to attain happiness, mind goes through immense pain in all the phases such as attainment, safe-guarding, maintaining and enjoying the object.

The bliss -

The derived happiness is nothing but distorted form of perpetual bliss, which comes from inside. Bliss is beyond the duality of happiness and sadness. Through mind, these external objects are acting as a stimulus for bliss to surface up for a short duration. Also it’s interesting to note that the same object can give happiness or sadness to different people, because of their mind-set and past conditioning. Though it looks impossible, but such conditioning of the mind can be easily altered with various yogic techniques. Essentially this means that we can de-learn and re-structure our mind the way we want – thus eliminate the role of external dependencies. With this newly crafted mind we are always in eternal bliss which is without any reason.

Mind and it’s functions -

Let’s further drill-down and further explode the various functions of mind. We will start with a simplest transaction which happens in a restaurant. When we look at a particular food item, words written in the menu acts as a stimuli, which helps the mind to reproduce corresponding form of food item and its related past experience from our memory. Flipping through various food items is an activity carried out by mind. Then intelligence takes over and makes decision based upon different options provided by the mind. After that ego asserts and gives an order for the selected food item and someone beyond ego enjoys the food. So with the above example we have understood the following -

  1. World around us is collection of objects which are made of five elements viz. space, air, fire, water and earth. We perceive these external objects with our five senses i.e. hear, touch, see, taste and smell. Five elements i.e. space, air, fire, water and earth are directly mapped to five senses i.e. hear, touch, see, taste and smell. For example fire i.e. light enables an eye to see an external object. Similarly without water we will not able to taste anything. Space is necessary to carry sound waves to the receiving ear.
  2. External information collected through our five senses gets passed on to our mind, which is responsible for conceiving and retention of alternative ideas of external objects. Mind is directly connected with five senses and controls the available choices, emotions and feelings etc.
  3. There after intellect comprehends and decides between alternative ideas generated by mind. Intelligence controls discrimination, decision, thought and rationality etc.
  4. Then ego helps us to act according to what has been decided by intelligence. Ego is an idea of “I” and mine, which apparently divides the Whole and creates duality. Ego is responsible for actions and reactions. A majority of people lead their life in a reactive mode and not aware what action is. Reaction is when our action is triggered and controlled by an external action of others i.e. non-self.
  5. Chitta is the basic faculty through which mind operates i.e. combination of conscious, subconscious, unconscious, memory and more.
  6. Consciousness is the source, which actually makes the above process happen; the way electricity energizes various electrical equipments. Consciousness is also known as Pursha, Atma, Soul etc. Senses, mind, intellect, ego and Chitta are internal equipments which are attached to Pursha to exhaust its experience and realize the ultimate Truth.
Ego is like a Concave lens, which has ability to focus Consciousness at either level such as objects, senses, mind, intelligence, Chitta or Consciousness itself. Depending upon past latent tendencies (Samskara), different people stick their Consciousness at different levels. For example a Worldly person will base its ego at the level of objects and senses. An emotional and intelligent person will be at mind and intellect level respectively. A scientist and Saint are established in Chitta. And a realized person will establish its Consciousness in Consciousness itself.

States of mind -

If we analyze, we will discover that there are two extreme ends viz. inertness on one end and Consciousness on other. Inertness is ever changing and indirectly depends upon Consciousness, which is the source. Since inertness is ever changing, it gives apparent and transient happiness and misery. As a habit, every single moment mind assumes various forms, which are known as fluctuations of mind or movement of mind or Vrittis. Depending upon number and intensity of fluctuations, mind has following five states –

  1. Restless : Dullness, attachment, fearful, deluded and lazy
  2. Infatuated : Miserable, full of tension, lack of patience, involved in Worldly activities and unstable
  3. Distracted : Fluctuating, happy, forgiving, patient and helping
  4. One pointed : Controlled, concentrative, based upon actual knowledge, steadfast and clear
  5. At rest naturally : Established in true-nature First three stages are not conducive for Yoga. Yoga starts from fourth stage and gets concludes in fifth stage.

Yoga is the ending of the mind from taking different forms or fluctuations (1.2). The mind which was always flowing out through five senses becomes internalized and thus folds it back in itself. In the absence of these forms, one rests in its own nature (1.3). In the state away from own nature, one identifies with the forms of mind (1.4)...

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