{alphabetically listed}
note: pages with audio/video may load slowly


Afanassy Pud
a Scientist, Programmer and Artist from Russia who creates quite extraordinary 'paintings' entirely in the digital domain.. in his spare time

General Articles
benchmarking some of the thinking of our times. This time, it's two perspectives upon and responses to the dawning of the new creative potentials of computer-based art, from a young lady and lad out of Mumbai

Amit Kumar Sharma (*slow-loading page ~ heavy video)
a computer-based musician who's been quietly creating an 'anonymous' name for himself over the last few years in the Delhi's Jingles'n'Title-Music territory, with a formidably unique digital audio set-up

Some British New Media Art
an overview from Beryl Graham ~ Post Graduate Researcher Fellow in digital imaging at the University of Sunderland (UK)

Bob Schuchman
having a ball in sunny California, teaching art, doing art,.. and creating an ongoing and ever-growing menagerie of hilarious creatures and characters in virtual 3D for the films and video marketplace

Catherine Yakovina
operating both an online and real-world gallery, Cathy nevertheless finds time to also be an artist herself, producing computer-based images that explore feelings

The C-DAC do
'twas about a national "Conference on Multimedia Technology for Culture" held in Pune (India) through December 1-2, 2000, presented by the National Multimedia Resource Centre of the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), with support from the Government of India's Ministry of Information Technology

privilege exercised here for some sundry babble

Fernanda Steele
an artist from Jamaica, via Italy and England, currently creating visions from experimentations with fractal composites, qauternoins and lsystem images

The Ganesha CD-ROM
this here's one amongst many 'commercial' manifestations of the god who's emerged to be the most popular and most versatile icons of Hindu culture

The Bhagavad Gita CD-ROM
carrying forward the ongoing saga of the digital reprocessing of scriptural and religio-pop material for the marketplace is this expansion of Hinduism's most hallowed text, with tid-bits from several great commentators

Jaideep Mehrotra (*slow-loading page ~ heavy video)
we had him targetted within a 'footnote' on the last gazette as an artist who has proven to be a man worth keeping track of through his explorations of new frontiers in various streams of technologically-empowered art ~ of which we've got some of his images here.. and also his first video

Peepin' at Print Media
a rambling stream of thought on print media at the turn of millennia

The Virtual Mahazine
touted as "The World's First Multimedia Magazine on CD-ROM", this here's a feature we take very special pleasure in carrying, since we'd pretty much predicted the emergemce of such media in the editorial of our last gazette

Maurizio Manzieri
a young Italian 'painter' and illustrator working entirely in digital space, who has been making quite a global mark for himself over recent years in the realms of fantasy and the fantastic

The Max Mueller Show (*slow-loading page ~ heavy video)
there we have it ~ a show called "Explorations in Digital Imaging", urgently put together by us at The IDEA within the space of a month, to grasp a rare opportunity with about a dozen artists. Would we do it again? Probably not!

Me PPT at de C-DAC do
editorial privilege exercised here again, to reproduce the slides from our presentation at the national "Conference on Multimedia Technology for Culture". Won't be talking you through this one though

A band named New Delhi (Pankaj, Papon & Amit)
music feature reprocessed and reproduced from The IDEA #1, on which audio didn't play back in many media-players

Pierre Bordenave
from la belle France comes this artist whose love of calligraphy takes his works beyond simple words, language and simple communication

The Ragamala CD-ROM
an introduction to several ragas that comes as a boon to musicians and others who've been trying to crack into the basic structurals of Indian classic music, without taking recourse to the time-consuming and ever demanding guru-shishya parampara of traditional learning

The Raqs Media Collective (*slow-loading page ~ heavy video)
a collective of young computer-based creative folks who've consciously used the opportunity of an exhibition to fetch a bold approach to 'appropriation' onto the front-burner of contemporary Indian art

Reilly Rebello
a young advertising professional exploring creative computer-based imaging in Mumbai... in his spare time

The Trance'n'Techno Man (Sandy Bose)
music feature reprocessed and reproduced from The IDEA #1, on which audio didn't play back in many media-players

The Shaili CD-ROM
developed and released by the National Multimedia Resource Centre of the Centre for Development of Advance Computing in Pune (India), this is an effort at bringing Indian clip-art into the digital space with a pretty vast series of design and decorative elements, Most of the page-backgrounds (e.g. our Imadjinn logo on this page) on this gazette have been derived from this resource

Web-Site Logos
putting on record some of the logos of Indian Dot.Coms that have been listed amongst the foremost of the day by one of India's top business periodicals,.. as a benchmark on creative commercial aesthetics of the era

Television Commercials (*slow-loading page ~ heavy video)
a large-hearted contribution once again ~thankyouverymuch~ from TV Ad Indx, of TV advertisements representative of the last six month era from different parts of the world

Wandering Minstrel (Vipin Mishra)
music feature reprocessed and reproduced from The IDEA #1, on which audio didn't play back in many media-players

launched by a couple of young college students in Mumbai, this Dot.Com is probably the first and perhaps the foremost of Indian efforts addressing the digital imaging domain

Yo's Shows (*slow-loading page ~ heavy video)
believe it or not, this includes two annual "India International Exhibitions of Digital Art" that we really didn't even know of!!

The Altair & other Early PCs
perhaps the world's first true PC to hit the general marketplace, the Altair permanently changed all of the rules of the computing game for all of us forever, by also being the machine for which Bill Gates and Peter Allen first tailor-made BASIC

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