All about Shang Tsung

This page mainly consists of Shang Tsung's history straight from the game.
I warn you, I repeat,
WARN YOU that there are some SPOILERS on this page. So if you haven't played Mortal Kombat games before
or you haven't beaten it with Shang Tsung, or wish not to see his endings or whatever,
Do not, I repeat: DO NOT
read any further. You have been warned. ^.^

Mortal Kombat II

Mortal Kombat 3

Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance

The Deadly Alliance was successful in reviving the mummified remains of the Dragon King's undefeatable army.
Shang Tsung, however, began to realize that his relevance in the partnership had evaporated once his talents for soul transplantation were no longer needed.
The balance of power within the Deadly Alliance had seemingly been undone.
Fearing betrayal, he secretly instructed Kano to steal Quan Chi's amulet in an attempt to gain control of the army.
Since part of the soul-transfer spell included the command to obey 'He who possesses the amulet,'
the army would obey only Shang Tsung, and not Quan Chi, once the amulet was in his possession.

Amulet in hand, Shang Tsung revealed his betrayal to Quan Chi and commanded the army to destroy the sorcerer.
Shang Tsung would succeed where others had failed.
He would conquer the realms. He would conquer Earth.

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