My name is Shaheryar and i am a student of Virtual Univercity. I study in program BS SoftwareEngineering.
The subject which i most like Introduction To Programming
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    My Subjects

  1. Introduction To Computing
  2. Intrpduction To Programming
  3. English Comprehention
  4. Calculus And Analytical Geomatry
  5. Islamic Studies
  6. Pakistam Studies

  7. My Views

    I am seeing my self a good software engineer in coming ten year and surely i will work hard in my field to creat new and efficent ideas for people.
    As practise makes man perfect i sugguest you guys to always do practise of every problem analyze it at its every point and than start to write its code. This is a best way for a programmer to creat a programe.

    A Perfect Program

    You can make a program by these three given below
    things any kind of program long or
    short just dont squiz at your program.
    Remember analyzeing is a most important thing.

    Using a flow chart


    flow chart

    Program should resemble to flowchart. Flow chart must show a picture of program.