Championshipping Series continued
Championshipping One-shots
Puzzle Pieces (Pg-13): Yugiohverse. The Millenium items and their seven guardians, a history untold of bloodshed and tainted love.
Masquerade (Pg-13): A masque, set in the background of destiny.
Dross (Pg-13): True gold is hard to find, even harder to hold on to... and if respect is the gold you seek,find it within yourself first.
Jealous (Pg-13): A bitter reflection of what might have been.
How to Catch a Star (Pg-13): What lengths the Dragon Master will go to, all for his poor love... and a manual in romantic tactics.
Go Fish (Pg-13): Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and even the watcher can become the actor...
Protect Me (Pg-13): 'As I look around at the circle of horrified faces, I reflect that it could have been much worse'...
A halfway Role Reversal (Pg-13): The pokemon have risen against the humans, and against a backdrop of destruction the testers, Chosen, emerge to begin their duty.
Lagrimas y Silencia del Dragon (Pg-13/R): How can you protect the one you love from yourself? When it is better to face reality than to drown in an illusion of sweetness? A child can't stay a child forever...
Only So Bright (Pg-13): When Ash falls into a mirroverse and discovers himself an alchemist-mage, it's all fun and games until sacrifice pops up of the worst kind
Not Bad for a Mousetrap (Pg-13): So what is the league's real purpose for new trainer Ash Ketchum? Well, it's not exactly clearly spelled in New trainer fashion...
Clearwater (PG/PG-13): What's real isn't really real, and overusing a cliche causes problems for more than the user.
Who Shot Misty Waterflower? (PG): Tracey tries to solve a mystery, but unfortunately nothing is what it seems...
Jewel-Bright (Pg-13): Evolutionary Problem rewrite. Taking the first step into darkness isn't ever a good step, no matter who you are. Really.
Other Pokemon Romance
Unwanted (Pg-13): Its better to know when you're not needed, instead of interfering needlessly and toying with the balance of nature.
Evolutionary Problems (PG-13): Instead of allowing Charmander to evolve in 'March of the Exeggutor Squad', Ash turned instead to another method, and changed the course of history.
Too much of a good thing (Pg-13): And to imagine, it all started when Delia overdosed on herbal supplements...
Mew, Mewtwo, and Mewthree (Pg-13): Who ever said Ash was human?
Brittle Strength (Pg-13): So Misty gets her paws on a Mew, and suddenly, everything changes... for the worst of course.
The Phantom of Pokemon Tech (Pg-13): Misty Waterflower was a hopeless trainer, until an angel showed her the path of glory. But then she turned from his teachings...
It could be Darkness (Pg-13): Ash stumbles into a loophole, as he sees what damage Red and Lance have wrought in Lugia's world... Pokemon Special/Adventure-verse, spins off after Dragon's Love.
Just a gym? (Pg-13): Misty realizes she needs Ash's help against a snob gym leader, and then starts seeing him as more than a friend...
Understanding (PG) The Karate King muses on the love he lost and his life as well, implied Mirageshipping.
Other Pokemon Fanfic
Why me (PG): A muk in the  PC system and her view of life
Family Ties (G): Who's related to who in the pokeverse
Little Secrets: A day in the life of the Elite Four (PG-13): Bruno investigates Lance's room, only to find out more cerca the Dragon Master than he expected.
After Kanto (Pg-13): Ash's journey after Kanto... the league and beyond.
Thoughts/More thoughts of a pokemon (Pg-13): An eevee muses on her masters and the future.
End of Misty (Pg-13): What really happens after 'Power of One'
The Mew Amulet I: (Pg-13) One little rock turns Lance's life upside down....
It's not fair (PG): Musings of a rival in GSC
Wishful Thinking (PG-13): How the pokemon feel in the game.
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