Chapter 3: Antagonist – Vanished light


            Ashline gasped as a faint blue light surrounded her. When it cleared, she blinked several times.

            “Where am I?’

            Looking around, she saw that she was in a broken-down area.


            She quickly began trying to walk to a nicer neighborhood. “Misty? Where am I?’ She looked around, and waited to hear from the other girl, but there was no reply.

Unfortunately, a few seconds later, a gang of eight men appeared.

            “Looks like a pretty one. Weird clothes, boss.”

            “Who gives?”

            “Let’s get her!”

            Ashline began to run, but the men were much faster. * Misty, where are you? I need your help! Please, I helped you get back into our world… *

 She shrieked in pain as one bodily grabbed her and slammed her into a nearby wall, effectively keeping her still as she was in too much pain and shock to move. “MISTY! HELP!”

            Rough hands tore at her clothes and another violent slap sent her reeling into blessed unconsciousness before her mind could register any more.


            Lance frowned as he rode through the streets of Kutou. Something was wrong, he could feel it tugging on his chi. * But I’ve gathered all the seishi… unless... *

            Unless the miko had finally arrived…

            The one who would be able to grant his wish and save him from himself?

            He nudged his stallion gently, telling it to ride faster. There was mounting urgency as he followed her chi to a seedy neighborhood of Kutou.

            As he dismounted and strode into the alleyway, he was greeted with the sight of a smelly, disgusting man about to rape the miko.

            Lance’s anger rose as his symbol flared to life on his forehead. How dare they! How dare filth like them try to lay hands on the priestess! In his hands, a star-shaped ball of Chi formed, and he flung it out, the dark blue energy crackling menacingly as the attack streaked off and promptly killed all of the would-be rapists.

            Lance gently picked up the unconscious girl, and quickly made his way back to the palace.


            Once he got there, he headed into his quarters and lay her down. Calling in a doctor, he had her wounds tended to before putting her to bed.

            “Sleep well, my priestess.” Lance said as he stroked her face gently. Faint blue chi wove around both of them, changing into a healing net, but he did not notice that he was using his special power.

            Ashline stirred in her sleep.


            The next morning, Ashline woke up to see a pair of concerned blue eyes looking down at her.

            “Are you feeling all right?”

            Ashline blinked, not knowing who the speaker was.

            “Who are you?”

            “I’m Lance Dragyn.” Lance said. “I found you on the street, unconscious after you were… attacked.”

            “Oh…” Ashline rubbed her head and suddenly panicked as the images from the day before crowded into her mind. * Those men! They… oh god, no! It’s not possible! Misty! You didn’t help me! Why? I thought we were friends… *

            “No! Stay away!” She whispered, horrified, backing away from him. “Don’t hurt me!” She wrapped the blanket more tightly around herself, as a frail shield.

            Lance stayed where he was. “I’m not going to hurt you, my miko.”

            Ashline blinked. “What?”

            “Why would I hurt the Seiryuu no Miko?”

            This stopped Ash cold. “What do you mean, Seiryuu no miko?”

            “There is a legend. That when our country is in danger, a maiden will arrive from another world and gather the seven warriors of Seiryuu, summoning the dragon god to protect our country.”

            Ash’s eyes widened. * This sounds like what happened to Misty! Misty… I was in trouble, why didn’t’ you help me? *

            “But I’m nobody that important!”


            “The miko remains ignorant of her duty until she is summoned.” Lance said. He walked over to her and gently lifted her up. “You should sleep. Your body is still recovering.”

            Ashline’s eyes filled with tears as she thought of what those men had done to her. “I…why do you care?”

            Lance did not reply and lay her down on the bed again. “I’ll call a servant for some food.” He rang a bell and a eunuch quickly made a bow before heading off to the kitchen.

            A few minutes later, a female servant reappeared carrying a tray with miso soup, rice, boiled chicken strips with sesame, bamboo shoots, and winter cabbage cooked with pork. Ashline picked up her chopsticks and took small bites. To her surprise, she actually had an appetite, and she finished the tray with goodwill.

            “Are you feeling a bit better now, Miko-sama?” Lance asked.

            “Hai…” Ashline said in a small voice. She still felt very sick, so she climbed under the covers again. * Misty… why… didn’t you know I was in danger… *

            “Sleep well.” Lance said, as he wiped her forehead and left some warm tea on a stand. “I shall return shortly.”

            Ashline barely nodded before she nodded off.


            The next morning, when she awoke again, it was in a much worse frame of mind.

            “Misty, how could you do this to me? Where were you when I called for help!?” Ashline asked, as in a fit of pain, she snatched up a small dagger she had found after digging through the drawers of her vanity. “I’m worthless now and its all your fault!”

            She slashed her wrists and cried at the injustice of it before she passed out from blood loss a few minutes later. * This is your fault, Misty… you could have helped me like I supported you, but you didn’t! Why aren’t you answering? *


            Lance practically flew in as the doors burst open. He took in the scene at once and summoned another doctor.

            “If she dies, you die.” He said, quite clearly.

            The man gulped and began his work. Unfortunately, it seemed that his efforts were too late.

            “I-I can’t do anything else, Shogun-sama.”

            “Leave. Now.” Lance snapped, as he knelt down next to her. Fearing for his life, the doctor quickly hightailed it out of there.

            Lance placed his fingers above her wrists slightly, and slowly began to channel his lifeforce into her body. With infinite slowness, the skin began to close over, until nothing was left but two deep scars. Sighing, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and lay her back down on the bed.

            “I shouldn’t have left you, miko-sama. If only that ignorant emperor hadn’t summoned me…”

            “Please, Seiryuu, help her heal.” He whispered, as he sat up to keep silent vigil by her bed.


            When Ashline woke again, her first thought was, ‘why am I not dead?’

            Lance looked up, dark shadows under his eyes showing his weariness. “Miko-sama, what happened?”

            “I…” Ashline burst into tears. “Why did you stop me? Why do you care? Misty’s betrayed me, and I don’t have any other friends! Life has no meaning! Why?”

            Lance calmly waited until the outburst was over. “So you claim that your friend has betrayed you.”

            “I know she has! I thought we were friends, but…” Ashline trailed off as she remembered the times Misty had slighted her in favor of spending time with some more popular kids, or a boy, and the times she had always been a third wheel.

            As she continued down that train of thought, a list of little injustices began to grow.

            She stopped crying as much and stared at the wall.

            “Misty was supposed to help me. But she didn’t. She caused that to happen.” Ashline said, her voice turning cold.

            “Yes…” Lance said softly. “A false friend.”

            “I thought she cared for me. But now, I think I was wrong.” Ash paused. “But why did you keep me from dying? I know you did it. I don’t know how, but…”

            “You are correct.” Lance said, getting up from his chair and walking to sit on the bed next to her.

            “Because I care for you.”

            Ashline stared at him incredulously. “How could you? We’ve only just met!”

            A wry smile twisted Lance’s lips.

            “Because, when I look at you, I can see my own reflection.”


            This stopped Ashline cold.


            “Do you think your experience is one in a million?” Lance asked as he wrapped his arms around her in a comforting hug. “We have all gone through betrayals, and we just have to stand up and keep going. Or else, the one that has betrayed us will win.”

            Ash relaxed into his embrace as she pondered his words. They did make sense…

            Lance gently stroked her hair. “Don’t die, Miko-sama. On you depends the hope of our whole country. Would you deny them that?”

            No, Ashline reflected, she couldn’t. It would be selfish and immoral to let thousands of people die because of her discomfort.

            She would find a way to deal with the problem.

            And then she would make Misty pay.


End chapter!