Here we go again….


Disclaimer: See earlier chapters


Chapter 2: Assumptions – The maiden of Suzaku


            When Misty woke up, she and Tamahome, no, Brock, she corrected herself, were in a cell.

            “Are you a demon?”

            “No, of course not!” Misty said. “I’m just a high school girl…”

            “A what?”

            “Never mind.”

            “Well, how do we get out of here?” Brock asked.

            “I don’t’ know…” Misty said. “Hmm…” She reached into her pockets and pulled out a pack of bubble gum, so she unwrapped a stick and began chewing one. A bubble was halfway out of her mouth when the guard guarding the cell noticed.

            “Hey! What is that?”
            Misty blew the bubble even bigger. Freaked out, the guard passed out.

            “Way to go!” Brock said. Misty shrugged and snapped her gum. “No problem.”

            The two of them quickly exited the cell and took off. They were hiding in the garden when a patrol of guards passed by.


            “Oh, hello.” A soft voice said. Misty looked up to find a girl with pretty brown hair sitting down next to her. “Are you the escaped prisoner.”

            “Shh…” Misty said.

            Brock looked ready to knock the girl out, but Misty shook her head. “No, I’m just an anonymous passerby.”

            “Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure the Emperor wouldn’t have you killed. How about if I give you a tour around the place? I’m Hotohori.”

            “A tour?” Brock’s eyes lit up. * Maybe I can steal something and sell it for more money… Okane… *

            “Sounds good!”


            The three spent about an hour touring various small apartments, until they ran into a parcel of guards. All three of them dived into a nearby ornamental shrub.

            “Halt! It’s the escaped prisoners!”

            Brock ran off to distract them, but a few minutes later he returned, still in hot pursuit.

            “Stop!” Misty yelled, jumping out of the shrub. “It’s me you’re looking for!”

            “Oh no! Stay away from Misty!” Brock yelled, as the sign of Ogre lit up on his face and he beat up all six guards.

            The girl’s eyes widened, before she jumped out of the bush as well. “Release them!”

            “Urk.” Said a guard, before they all dropped to their knees. “Your majesty!”

            “Your Majesty?” Misty asked, surprised. “But Hotohori’s too pretty. How could a bishoujo be the emperor?”

            “Girl?” A guard huffed. “The emperor is all man!”


            Misty ran over to Hotohori, who had dropped the long shimmery blue robe she had been wearing. Under that, it was pretty evident that he was a guy. He wore dark golden-brown pants and a jacket.

            “Oh my god, his chest, its flat!”

            Gary raised his eyebrows slightly, but nodded.

            “You are a guy!”


            A few minutes later, Gary was explaining the situation to misty.

            “Our country is on the brink of war with Kutou. We need you. Will you become the priestess and summon Suzaku to save us, Suzaku no miko?”

            “Oh, and you get three wishes. It’s in the legend.” Brock whispered.

            “Three wishes?” Misty thought. “I could be prettier than all my sisters combined! I could be wealthy enough to own my own gym! I could be a water master! Woohoo! Yes, I’ll do it! I’ll become your priestess!”

            “You are too modest.” Gary said, laughing a little. “Very well, Suzaku no miko. Welcome to Konan.”


            And misty stared as all 500 counselors bowed down before her.


            A few days passed, while Misty spent her time enjoying the royal treatment, before she finally decided to ask Hotohori, no, Gary, what her duty was.

            Gary looked up from a scroll. “Oh, hello Misty.”

            “Hi, Gary! I was wondering what do I do as miko?”

            “Oh, that’s easy.” Gary said. “You find the seven seishi of Suzaku and then summon the god.”


            “It’s all written here in the Universe of the Four Gods…”


            “But…” Misty was about to say ‘That’s the book we’re in’ before she decided it would sound stupid.

            “How do I find the seishi?”


            “They will all have a mark on their body somewhere.” Gary said, lifting his hair off his neck. Instantly, the symbol for ‘Star’ lit in dark red energy.

            “Tamahome and I are two of your first seishi.”

            “Wow… that is so cool!” Misty said. “So to find the other seishi, I just have to look for a glowing red symbol?”

            “Essentially, yes.”

            “Heh. This’ll be a cinch.” She said, smiling.


            Ashline stared at the book. It was writing itself. Literally.


            Misty’s head jerked up. “Ashline?”

            “You’re in the book aren’t you? It’s only been fifteen minutes here.”

            “Really? No way!” Misty cheered. “Cover for me, will ya? I can get this done in a few days.”


            “Cya.” Misty said, before she went off to join Gary for a delicious dinner.


            Ashline sighed. * Now what do I do? * She kept reading.


            A few more days had passed, and much to Misty’s surprise, she had discovered that one of the warriors, named Nuriko, was a court lady. The two of them had hit off quite well and spent their time dressing up, discussing beauty tips, and Misty really considered Ruby her friend.

            “Hey, Ruby?”


            “Do you think Brock likes me?”

            “Oh, you have the hots for him?” Rudy laughed. “Good for you!”

            “Ruby!” Misty swatted ‘her’ lightly.

            “Hey, its perfectly fine with me. I don’t like him.”

            “You don’t’?” Misty developed shimmery eyes. “I’m trying to get his attention… any ideas how?”

            “Hmm…” Rudy started digging through his closet. “Let me see what you can borrow.”

            “Thank you!”

            Soon, Misty was dressed in a dark blue dress trimmed with sparkly diamonds. She grinned and headed off to find Brock.

            Unfortunately, it was not easy. She found him on the street, selling the gum she had given him.


            Brock looked up. “What? Just making some extra money.”

            “I can’t believe it!” Misty said. “Don’t you care for me at all?”

            “No.” Brock said slowly. “It’s my duty to protect you as priestess, but I don’t.”

            Misty collapsed.


            The next day, the three seishi were heading for the sacred mountain, where Serebii would send Misty back to her world. Gary argued that she needed her own time to cooperate, and it would be the best way. Although he wondered what had caused this ill health.

            They needed a connection.

            Both girls wore the same school uniform, which Misty had been dressed in after her faint.

            And that was the key to home.

            The travel went off without much of a hitch. However, as soon as Serebii had opened the gates to allow Misty exit, something happened which she did not intend.

            Another girl had been called in to replace her.


END CHAPTER! Hell yeah, this took months to write!