Chapter 1!




Disclaimer: I don’t own pokemon. There! I said it! Now if anyone flames me…


Summary: I refuse to do a prologue, so here’s a summary. Misty and Ashline are at the library, studying, when suddenly, a book glows and they are sucked inside. They are promptly attacked. Slavers quickly subdue both of them. Just when all hope seems lost… A young man rescues them; who introduces himself as Tamahome.


Chapter 1: Anticipation – the young lady of the legend


            “Thank you for saving us!” Ashline said.

            Misty nodded. “Yes, thank you! My name is Misty.”

            “Save your thanks.” Brock said. “Do you have any cash?”

            They both blinked.

            “I think we spent the last of it on milkshakes.” Misty said, emptying out her pockets.

            “Poor people bug me. I’m leaving.” Brock said.

            “Wait! Don’t’ go!” Misty cried, but just then, they were surrounded by a glowing red aura and reappeared back outside the book.

            ‘Was it a dream?” Misty asked.

            “I don’t’ know, but look at the time!” Ashline said, pointing at the clock.

            “AAHHH! I have to go to cram school! See you!” Misty cried as she dashed off.


            The next day, Misty was at the library studying again. For some inexplicable reason, she found herself drawn to the book. Opening it, she began reading. Shockingly, her adventures had been recorded inside.

            “What’s happening?” Misty asked. “It was just supposed to be a dream!”

            “And should you, the reader, so choose, the legend will become reality…”

            A red glow surrounded Misty. She had a brief glimpse of a phoenix, before she vanished.

            “And so the young lady turned the page, and became the girl of the legends.”


            Misty dusted herself off as she looked around. “Wait a second… where am I?”

            All around, people dressed in long robes were gossiping. The air was filled with excitement. Misty saw that she was in a marketplace, filled with bustling crowds. Misty shrugged.

            “Well, in that case, I’ll go find Tamahome!”


            Soon, Misty was riding on the back of a hay wagon heading to market. * This place is so weird… nobody here knows me! This is great! *

            “Excuse me, I’m looking for a boy with the sign of the demon on his forehead.”

            “What? Looking for a boar carrying lemon on a koi’s head?”

            “No, no, no!” Misty said as she malleted the unfortunate farmer.

            He fainted.


            “Hey, feisty, aren’t you?” A voice asked. Misty saw an impossibly cute man, perhaps four years older, in dark green garments. “Would you like to come with me? This boy is one of my friends.”

            “Really?” Misty asked.

            “Yep, follow me.”

            Soon, they were lost in a dark forest.

            And before Misty knew what had happened, she had blacked out due to a blow to the head.


            When she awakened, she saw a young man.

            “Yes, I found you unconscious surrounded by a group of men. Don’t worry, I took care of them before anything happened to you.” He said. “Are you all right?”

            “Oh thank you!” Misty said.

            “No problem. You can call me Brock. That’s my real name.”

            “Thank you, Brock.”

            “Here, we’ll go back to the city. It will probably be safer there.” Brock said.

            Misty sighed as she clung to him. They rode on horseback, and soon were back in the city.


            “I wish there was someway I could repay you.” Misty said.

            “Oh, well, actually…” Brock said.

            “What is it, Tamahome?”

            “Well, you see… the emperor’s procession is coming this way.”


            Misty stared at the parade. “Yes, I know.”

            “If you could get me a jewel from the emperor’s crown, I’d be rolling in money and your debt would be repaid.”



            “Great!” Misty said. * Then I’ll just wait for the procession to come along*


            The guards had just passed, and the Emperor’s palanquin, decorated in bright shades of red, was just going before when Misty made her move. She dashed out into the street and released her single pokemon.

            “Starmie, Water Gun now!”

            The attack sent several guards flying. Misty quickly scrambled into the palanquin and attempted to wrest a jewel from the emperor.

            Instead, she was sent sprawling.


            “How dare you touch his highness?” The lady in the palanquin asked. “As Nuriko, Suzaku no Shichiseishi and his highness’ fiancée, I cannot allow this!”

            The young man seated next to her patted her arm soothingly. “The guards will handle this.”

            “Very well.”


            “Guards, detain her.”

            “Misty!” Tamahome shouted, diving into the fray. “Watch out!”

            Misty was suddenly surrounded with a red light and began glowing.

            “A demon!” Shouted a guard.

            Misty gasped and found herself huddled on the floor of the library.

            “No! I don’t want to come back yet! I didn’t say goodbye to Tamahome!”

            Suddenly, the light glowed again.

            Misty had one last look of shock on Brock’s face before she blacked out again.


End Chapter 1