Hi! This is Fushigi Yuugi, pokemon style! Kind of like Card Captor Ashura. I will be deviating from the canon storyline and pairings frequently. In shadow’s fics, anything goes!


Disclaimer: Come on, if you still don’t know that Shadow doesn’t own pokemon…


********************Opening Song****************************************

            *Picture of Misty appears. Misty is dressed in a brown school uniform, and making a peace sign. From behind her, a winged phoenix rises, glowing with red light* several silhouettes flash by, faster than the eye can follow.

            “Hi! My name is Misty Waterflower. I’m fourteen and in the eight grade. I’m about to take high school entrance exams. I like sleeping, water pokemon, and flirting with cute guys!”


            Mysterious voice: Suzaku no miko


            *Picture of a girl with long wavy black hair appears. She wears the same school uniform, and is standing with her arms crossed and a determined look on her face. From behind her, a dragon rears up and roars* several more silhouettes flash by.

            “This is Ashline Ketchum. She’s my best friend, also fourteen and in the eighth grade. She’s also taking entrance exams. She likes training pokemon and reading.”


            Mysterious voice: Seiryu no miko


            *Picture of a red book with the words ‘Universe of the Four Gods* written on it. The book opens and red light comes out, enveloping the screen*


            Mysterious voice: Two girls drawn into a new world


            *Picture of Brock appears. He is counting money and petting his Vulpix. Around him sit his Onix, Zubat, and Geodude. He looks up and the camera freezes. On his forehead, a symbol glows in red light. He is dresses in black pants and a brown coat tied off with a green sash*


            MV: The seishi of Suzaku rise. Tamahome…


            *Picture of Gary appears. Gary is dressed in fancy dark red robes with a king’s ransom in embroidery on them. His spiky hair is longer and held back in a ponytail. He looks regal, and he is holding a sword. As he pushes the hair away from his face with his free hand, the camera freezes and a symbol is seen glowing on the side of his neck*


            MV: Hotohori…


            *Picture of Rudy dressed as a girl, with long flowing brown hair. He is in a defensive stance. As a man charges towards him, Rudy nails him with a punch to the chest, sending him flying. As he moves, his loose dress slips down a bit, revealing a glowing red symbol on his chest*


            MV: Nuriko…


            *Picture of Koga. He and his Venomoth are meditating together. Both of their eyes are closed. Suddenly, a dark shadow rears up and charges him. Koga puts his hands together and purple light surrounds the figure, destroying it. A rip in his pant leg shows a red symbol glowing on his knee*


            MV: Chichiri…


            *Picture of Lara Laramie. She is wearing a long black coat over a red shirt and white pants tucked into black boots. In her hand is a silver fan. She brings it up towards a pack of attacking demons and shouts an incantation. Flames spurt from the fan, incinerating them. On the back of her forearm a red symbol glows*


            MV: Tasuki…


            *Picture of a young Professor Oak. He is wearing plain clothes in green. On his shoulder sits a Meowth, purring. He reaches up and pets Meowth as the camera freezes. On his hand shines a red symbol*


            MV: Mitsukake…


            *Picture of Joe. Joe is bent over a bunch of scrolls, studying like crazy. He sighs and wipes the sweat from his forehead. As he stands up, it is worth noting that through his sock, a glowing red symbol can be seen*


            MV: Chiriko…


            *Picture of a phoenix rising from behind a circle of the seishi with Misty in the center. As misty chants, the phoenix appears above the whole group and a huge flash of light blocks out all view*


            MV: Seven seishi and one miko, bound to one fate. But the road they walk will not be easy…


            *Picture of Lance, dressed in silver armor and a billowing dark blue cape, silhouetted against a blue dragon. As the camera pans in, Lance forms a ball of blue energy in his hands, which forms an eight pointed star and shoots beams of light in all directions. Then, the camera pans to a shot of Ashline, dressed in a slightly transparent blue dress, chanting*


            MV: Danger calls from the east…


            *Very fast shot of six shadowy figures*


            MV: The seishi of Seiryu will die for their priestess…


            *Picture of a broken mirror, with one girl on each side. Misty is reaching out, but Ashline is flinching and moving away from her*


            MV: A friendship destroyed has terrible repercussions…


            *Picture of Ashline sobbing, and Lance comforting her. A silver light glows in Lance’s eyes*


            MV: Reconciliation is impossible…


            *Picture of Ashline, holding a lance glowing with silver light. Split screen. On the other half of the screen, Misty appears, holding a glowing golden sword. The two girls run at each other and there is a bright flash of yellow light*


            MV: Enter the world of…


            *Golden italicized letters spell out the words – Pokemon: The mysterious game*


            MV: Pokemon!


*****************************Song Ends**********************************


So, what do you think? I’ve never seen FY, I only have the manga, so this is probably nothing like the real thing.