Championshipping FAQ


What is Championshipping?

Championshipping is the belief that Ash and Lance from the pokemon animation series are in a romantic relationship. It also applies to the characters of Lance and Red from the games and graphic novels and manga.


When was Championshipping created?

Championshipping was created/founded on October twenty-first, 2002. That was the day the first championshipping fan fic, written by author Shadow/Phantomness, was posted at the archive. Before then, no one had ever thought of shipping Ash (or Red) and Lance together, or at least it was never posted on the Internet in any context. If I find proof that someone wrote/drew Championshipping before that, I’ll resign my claim.


So how old is Championshipping?

Four years, two months and counting…


Are there any alternate names for Championshipping?

Championshipping is also known as WataShi, from Lance’s Japanese name, Wataru, and Ash’s Japanese name, Satoshi, but this term is rarely used.


I’ve heard of Neo-Championshipping/Neochampionshipping too? What is that?

*Sigh* Neochampionshipping is the belief that Lance and Steven from the Pokemon fandom are in a romantic relationship. It came *after* Championshipping was founded.


Does that mean that Ash and Lance are gay? Eew!

I prefer that they’re bi myself, but considering that in canon, Ash and Lance are represented as male characters as far as I can tell, yes, the relationship is homosexual.


Is there any canon evidence for Championshipping?

Perhaps. Everything is open to fan interpretation, after all. Lance met Ash twice during his travels – first at Lake of Rage in Johto, than in the Groudon VS Kyogre 2-parter in the Houen Advance Battle Saga. He was instrumental in saving Ash’s life the first time, and helped him out the second.


In the Pokemon Zensho manga and in the Pokemon games, there does not seem to be any evidence.


In the Pokemon Special/Adventures manga, Lance and Red never met.  However, they never directly fought or tried to kill each other either, and their personalities and circumstances make this shipping possible.


What about ____Championshipping?

Yes, I know a lot of people ripped ship names off championshipping. The only ones I personally created were Almostchampionshipping, which is Ash x Karen, and Doublethechampionshipping, which is Manga! Lance x Red x Anime! Lance x Ash – I take no responsibility for anything else.


You’re a stupid perverted gay fucker who should get a life and a dildo! Ash belongs to Misty/May/Giselle/Gary/Richie/Hikari/Mew-knows-who else!

I have no patience for flamers who act like five-year-old children, so don’t bother. Flames will be mocked, and if I have your e-mail address, I shall hunt you down and kill you.


Wait! What does Championshipping no miko mean?

Priestess of championshipping! ^^



So, do you have any more questions? Email me! ^^ [email protected], yo!