Episode 110! Hmm, still a few more episodes before Ash confronts Lance. Oh well. More fun for me!

The Orange Island series will be part of the Johto cards arc.


Disclaimer: I’m still putting this in? Think for five seconds and tell me if I own pokemon or not, okay? However, I do own Destiny, Pika-chan, etc.

Notes: <> indicates telepathic communication, ** indicates the innermost thoughts of the character, and italics indicates pokemon talk.


Episode 110: The battling eevelutions!


            The group was heading down a twisty forest road. Ash yawned. Crystal was already fast asleep, lying against his back with her arms around his waist, although how she was sleeping on horseback while managing to stay on was a mystery. Pika-chan was sitting on her head.

            Teresa pointedly ignored looking in their direction.

            Rapidash was walking slower too. It was early in the morning, and no one was quite awake yet.

            “Maybe I should take a nap too.” Teresa said. She crawled into Kangaskhan’s pouch and let the gentle rocking motion of its walking lull her into dreamland.


            Some time later, Ash was rudely awakened from his slumber when Rapidash suddenly dashed down the road at breakneck speed.

            < Whoa, girl, what’s wrong? >

            There is a pokemon ahead who needs help!

            < I’ll get my potion bag. > Ash said, as he reached into his backpack and began taking stuff out.

            Soon, he discovered an Eevee tied up inside a tree.

            “Who would do this to a poor pokemon?” Ash asked no one in particular as he untied Eevee.

            “Maybe it was abandoned.” Lance suggested. She poured out some water for it in a collapsible blue cup. Eevee drank the water, but still looked wary.

            “No, I don’t think so.” Teresa said. She had awoken during the furious dash to find the pokemon. “Look, it has a collar.”

            “Apartment 14-3 Stone Town?”

            “That’s the next town ahead. It lies right next to Evolution Mountain, a great place to mine for evolution stones.”

            “Let’s take this eevee home to its rightful owner, Crystal.”



            Within ten minutes, they had reached the town.

            “Looks fancy.” Ash observed. “So which house is it?”

            “That one!” Teresa said, pointing to a sign with 14-3 written on it in big bold letters.

            They walked into the surrounding courtyard. A party was going on, and the area was filled with evolved pokemon.


            “Well, now that everyone has finished evolving their pokemon, we can start with the attack demonstrations.” Sparky was saying, when the group walked in.

            “Hi! We found this eevee!” Teresa chirped.

            “Why thank you!” Rainer said. “Mikey! Oh Mikey! Look! Eevee came home!” A little boy with brown soft hair came out.

            Eevee smiled happily and jumped into his arms.

            “Now don’t let it happen again, or else you won’t ever become a pokemon trainer.” Pyro finished.


            “So it does belong to someone.” Teresa said.

            “Why did you bring him home?” Mikey demanded.

            “Eh?” Ash asked. “Isn’t he yours?”

            “Yes, but-.”


            “Enough, Mikey! So what are you going to evolve Eevee into?” Sparky asked. “You’ve put it off long enough!”

            “If you don’t evolve it, you’ll never win any battles.” Rainer added.

            “So you have to evolve it!” Pyro finished.

            “I don’t care about pokemon battles!” Mikey said.

            His three brothers loomed over him. “What?”

            “Everyone has been waiting anxiously for your decision.” Sparky said. “If you use a Thunder Stone, it will evolve into Jolteon! The hairs on its back are as sharp as needles! Excellent for attack power!”

            “Using a water stone will evolve it into Vaporeon.” Rainer said. “Using its Acid Armor attack, it will melt into water! No attack can damage it!”

            “Of course, if you choose the Fire Stone, it will evolve into Flareon!” Pyro finished. “Flareon’s fire sack holds temperatures of more than 1,600 degrees, and it’s fire attacks are deadly! It’s the strongest evolution of all!”

            “Wait, I think Jolteon is the strongest of all.” Sparky contradicted.

            “Mikey, you’re a smart kid. I know you’ll evolve it into Vaporeon.” Rainer said.

            Silence reigned for minutes.


            “Does he have to evolve it now?” Crystal finally asked.

            “Of course! The earlier you evolve your pokemon, the stronger it is!”

            < Yes, but it also learns moves slower. > Pika-chan commented privately to the group.

            “Don’t you have any pokemon that haven’t been evolved?”

            “They can’t evolve via stone.” Crystal said. “Charmander has to level up.”

            “Too bad.” Rainer said. “What about you, Ash?”

            Ash smiled. “I already have all three.”

            “You know, he looks kind of familiar…” Rainer said, taking a good close look at him and peering into his new league guidebook. “Wait a minute…”

            Ash gulped.

            “You’re Ash Ketchum, the Indigo League Champion!”

            Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at Ash.

            Ash blushed. “Um…”


            “I knew it!” Rainer said. “Choose Vaporeon, Eevee! He used it in the final round!”

            “He used Jolteon too!”

            “But he used Flareon in the qualifying matches!”

            Mikey backed away from his three brothers slowly. “Um… can I decide later?” He squeaked.

            “OK, but before today is out, you have to decide!”


            Teresa was eating sandwiches with him.

            “I don’t want to evolve Eevee.”
            “Why don’t you just tell your brothers?” She asked.

            “I’m scared…”

            Me too! Eevee said. I’m scared too!

            Teresa sighed. * This is bad… *


            Ash and Lance were having fun watching the pokemon battles. “This is pretty fun. I’m glad they didn’t all mob me once they found out I was the champion.”

            “Dye your hair or something.”

            “I know…” Ash sighed. “Do you have any hair dye?”

            “Yep. I can dye it later.”

            “No problem.” Lance said, smiling cheerfully. Approximately two hours later, Mikey’s brothers came over again.

            “Okay, Mikey, we’re waiting!”

            “Good luck!” Teresa whispered.

            Mikey paled, but nodded. “Brothers, I -.”


            A cloud of smoke drifted over the area.

            “Prepare for trouble!”

            “And make it double!”

            “To protect the world from devastation!”

            “To unite all people within our nation!”

            “To denounce the evils of truth and love!”

            “To extend our reach to the stars above!”



            “Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!”

            “Surrender now or prepare to fight!”



            “Not right now.” Ash said angrily, as he released Butterfree. “Use Stun Spore and then knock them away with a Whirlwind attack!”

            Butterfree nodded and doused them, before blowing up a gust of wind to send them flying. But somehow, Team Rocket had gotten a giant fan and it was employed to cancel out Butterfree’s attack.

            “Jolteon, use Pin Missle!” The pins punctured the balloon, and it began to tip.

            “Vaporeon, use Hydro Pump!”

            “Flareon, use Fire Spin!”

            The two attacks sent the balloon crashing to earth. Team Rocket decided that now would be a good time to run.

            “Eevee, go!” Mikey said. * I have to prove to my brothers that I can win too… * “Use Take Down!”

            Eevee slammed into Team Rocket, sending them flying.

            “LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN!” They wailed as they vanished.



            “I want to keep Eevee the way it is.”

            “That way we’ll really be the four eevee brothers.” Sparky said.

            The other two brothers agreed. And so, the next day, Ash and co. left a family now, finally united.


End Episode 110!

Please drop a review; that makes me very happy! Flames will be used to build a bonfire, in which I will personally burn all those annoying SAT and AP tests. *Sobs*