Fig. 6
This patient was referred for cataract surgery and was found to have BRVO. One month after surgery, there is less haemorrhage in the macula, however, the view is blurred due to the cataract. Vision remained 0.3. The patient who lived on  the island of Sulawesi was lost to follow-up.
Fig. 7
This patient with BRVO presented complaining of a visual field defect. His visual acuity was 0.7. After much discussion, I agreed to perform vein decompression surgery on him. He had three obstructions of the upper temporal branch of his central retinal vein. These obstructions were removed one at a time, starting from the distal obstruction. After 11 weeks his vision only improved slightly to 0.8, however, he was pleased with the improvement in his visual field.
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