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times since  08-15-2001
� Space Fleet's Elite Forces is � Copyrighted 1999-2009  this includes all pages, graphics and text having to do with Space Fleet's Elite Forces.  Use of these materials, either written or graphic, without the author/creators express permission is a violation of US and International Law.  If for any reason, you wish to reproduce these materials, in any form please contact SFEF WEB TEAM prior to doing so.  This goes for all members and everyone else.  Thank you. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: Star Trek and all related properties are the copyrights of PARAMOUNT PICTURES and Viacom.  No infringement intended.  Space Fleets Elite Forces does NOT make any profit as a result of the group.
Welcome to Space Fleet's Elite Forces

Congratulates on becoming a member
If you are not a member I hope you consider becoming one. 
"SFEF" is a free online Star Trek Sim.
Visit our ships.

This Site is Dedicated to:
Senior Fleet Admiral John Lemax.
The founder of "SFEF"
Whose vision and foresight started this group.
All images and items contained herein are the property of "SFEF"
In memory
In memory
Site  Updated: 01/20/2009
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