<BGSOUND SRC="SFEF_Medical_Muzik_for_website.mid">

ABG: Arterial Blood Gases; blood is measured for O2 content; indications:
asthma, COPD, chest trauma

Adenosine: Stabilize heart rhythm; for heart arrhythmia 

Altered LOC: Altered Level Of Consciousness, possibly from concussion or
internal brain hemorrhage

Altered Mental State: Mental disorientation, such as in a drug overdose

Anterior: The forward plane of the body

Apgar: ScoresTaken at one minute and five minutes of life, reflect the
general status of a newborn, including how well the baby is moving and
breathing and other parameters.  Perfect score is 10; many healthy babies
score 9.

Atropine: A drug used to speed up heart rate, or to treat cardiac arrest..

Bilateral Tib-Fib Fractures:  Broken tibia and fibula on both legs

Bleeding Out: Very severe hemorrhaging, could be fatal

Blood Culture: Blood is drawn and cultured for bacteria; indications high

Blood Gas: Blood sample from artery used to compute the blood level of O2,
CO2, and pH

Blown Pupil: Abnormal pupil dilation; dilation following a blow to the head
could mean increased intracranial pressure, usually caused by brain hemorrhage

BOA: Birth Out of Asepsis (non-sterile conditions)

Cardiac Enzymes: Enzymes released by damaged heart muscles

CBC: Complete Blood Count

CC: Chief Complaint

cc: cubic centimeters, a liquid unit of measurement equal to one milliliter

Chem 7: Measures basic electrolytes in blood: Na, Cl, K, CO2, blood urea N2 (BUN), creatinine, and glucose
Note: Some hospitals use a Chem 12 or chem 15. These are the above lytes with
other added tests.

CHF: Congestive Heart  Failure

Coag Panel: Assess blood coagulation

COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Crack the Chest: Make a foot-long incision between two ribs on the left side
to gain access to the heart, used in emergency conditions only

Crash Cart: Medical supply cart for cardiac and respiratory arrest

CSF:  Cerebrospinal Fluid
D 5050% Dextrose (for low blood sugar); one ampule via IV

Decubitus Ulcer: A bedsore, an open sore caused by pressure and lack of
circulation,malnutrition may contribute to these ulcers associated with

Diaphoresis Sweaty: skin associated with myocaridal infarction

Dopamine: Makes heart pump strongly

Epinephrine Drug: to treat cardiac arrest

Failure to progress: Baby is not dropping or the woman's cervix is not
dilating; depending on the stage of labor, do C-section or administer Pitocin

FUO: Fever of undetermined origin

Hematocrit: ("Crit")Measure number of RBC; decrease means hemorrhage or anemia

In extremis: at the point of death

IV Push: (intravenous push) Put in drug directly into IV all at once. Use
large-bore needle,  IV, to transfuse fluids very quickly

Lavage: Washing out

LGFD: Looks Good From Doorway (patient who complains but looks fine)

MI: Myocardial Infarction,  also called a Heart Attack. Usually caused by a
stoppage or decreased blood flow to the heart muscle, resulting in the death
of the cardiac muscle.

MUDPILES: Mnemonic device for anion gap (Methanol, Uremia, Diabetic
ketoacidosis, Paraldehyde, Iron, Lactic acidosis, Ethanol, Salicylate
starvation)..an anion gap will indicate one of these conditions.

Narcan: Antidote for heroin and other narcotics; 0.8 mg via IV

Normal Saline: Saline solution that has the same balance as fluids in the
body -- the first type of fluid administered intravenously (IV) in emergencies

NPO: nil per os, "nothing by mouth"  ("Put this patient NPO.")

Osteo: Pertaining to the bones

Perf: Perforate; to burst 

PERTL: Pupils equally responsive to light...a neurologic test

Pitocin: Hormone given intravenously to stimulate uterine contractions

Platelets: Blood factors that cause clotting

Pneumothorax: Collapsed lung

Posterior: The rear plane of the body

Pressure: Blood pressures at arteries, veins, and within the chambers

PROM: Premature Rupture Of Membranes (water broke too early and the unborn
baby is at risk for infection)

PW: Phaser wound

Ruptured Aortic Aneurism: Ruptured main artery

Send Him Redline: Send him directly and urgently

Sinus Rhythm: Normal heartbeat

STD: Sexually transmitted disease

Tachycardia: Fast heart rate; normal heart rate is 60-100 beats per minute

Tension Pneumothorax: Collapsed lung where air escapes into chest;
increases pressure on heart

Throat Culture: Test for Streptococcus

Tox Screen: Drug Test

TPR: Temperature/pulse/respiration, the basic diagnostic values for most
carbon-based life forms

Type and Cross: Draw blood, type it match with same type for transfusion

V Tac: Heart Rate abnormally high

Vitamin H: Haldol, a very powerful sedating agent for combative people

WADAO: Weak And Dizzy All Over

Walking Time Bomb: Someone with a disease that could be fatal  at any minute

White Count or WBC; increased count usually indicates infection
Also can signify Leukemia or Lymphoma, depending if count is up or down.

WNL: Within Normal Limitsen from


The Los Angeles Times: Behind the Scenes at ER
Compiled by Takako Nagumo additions by James Bowman
Other Additions by SFEF Fleet Captain AnnBeth

Donated to the academy by   SFEF Fleet Captain AnnBeth
Below are some Medical terms along with the Training Guide:
If you have any questions please e-mail or im
Fleet Captain Anne E. Erickson
Or visit the SFEF Medical Site
                                       "Hippocratic Oath,"

You do solemnly swear, each by whatever he or she holds most sacred. That you will be loyal to the Profession of Medicine and just and generous to its members. That you will lead your lives and practice your art in uprightness and honor. That into whatsoever house you shall enter, it shall be for the good of the sick to the utmost of your power, your holding yourselves far aloof from wrong, from corruption, from the tempting of others to vice. That you will exercise your art solely for the cure of your patients, and will give no drug, perform no operation, for a criminal purpose, even if solicited, far less suggest it. That whatsoever you shall see or hear of the lives of men or women which is not fitting to be spoken, you will keep inviolably secret. These things do you swear. Let each bow the head in sign of acquiescence. And now, if you will be true to this, your oath, may prosperity and good repute be ever yours; the opposite, if you shall prove yourselves forsworn.

Most ships maintain a 23-bed inpatient facility which includes a state-of-the-art operating room, a three bed intensive care unit, a 16-bed inpatient ward, and four isolation beds.  Ancillary services include a fully capable laboratory, optometry, and preventive medicine  they are  also equipped with facilities suited to limited medical research and experimentation while under way.
My dear friend casteclear got his wings (lol)
And a fond "FAREWELL"
The above is a quick reference list of Medical Terms. For comprehensive Star Trek Medical Guide please click on this link.
Thank you,
Fleet Captain Anne E. Erickson
Medical Training Manual

General Introduction

"Space Fleet's Elite Forces"
has one of the finest Medical Divisions in the training of their Medical staff known in this quadrant, consisting of a complete up to date medical database, state of the Art medical equipment and staff with some of the most prestigious Doctors around. SFEF Medical division is under the Command of Chief Medical Officer Fleet Captain Anne E. Erickson.

Chain of Command for SFEF Medical Division is as follows:
Fleet Chief Medical Officer - Fleet Captain Anne E. Erickson, MD.
Fleet Assistant Medical Officer -
Fleet CNS Officer - Fleet Captain Anne Erickson, MD.
Which report directly to Vice Admiral TexMist Adder.

The primary Duties of the Fleet CMO, AMO and CNS are administration and the over seeing of all training to all Medical personal for SFEF and the management of the SFEF Medical informational database.

The ships that are currently under the Elite Forces of Space Fleet maintain a 23-bed inpatient facility which includes a state-of-the-art operating room, a three bed intensive care unit, a 16-bed inpatient ward, and four isolation beds. Ancillary services include a fully capable laboratory, optometry, and preventive medicine they are also equipped with facilities suited to limited medical research and experimentation while under way.

Duties and Responsibilities

Primary duty of the SFEF Medical Officer - is to provide for the health and well being for their entire crew and it's population. Providing care and aid to all and up holding the Hippocratic Oath.
The CMO or Chief Medical Officer in SFEF is not only responsible for providing care in cases of injuries or illness but also responsible for preventive medicine with appropriate updates on vaccinations and physicals. The are in charge of all sub departments having to do with medicine, i.e., Medical laboratories and nuclear medicine and the staffing of these areas.

2. The AMO or Assistant Medical Officer in SFEF - is responsible for assisting the CMO in all areas of their Medical duties and for providing quality medical care as dictated by SFEF Medical Protocols.

The EMH - Emergency Medical Holograms are fully functional Holographic Medical doctors and programed by Starfleet Medical engineers to provide Emergency Medical Procedures in place of the CMO or to assist in times of Emergencies.

Common Medications - All CMO's and AMO's should be familiar in the basic most frequently used medications and how to administer the appropriate medication for their patients. Refer to the Advance Medical Site for a complete listing of these medications.

Standard Medical Equipment - All Medical personal should be familiar in how to operate all medical equipment within their departments. i.e.; Biobed, clamshell, Medical tricorder, hypo, ect. A detail listing can be found in our Advanced Medical section of SFEF.

Special situations - Medical

Determination and documentation should the CO be unfit for duty.

At the request of the CO or XO the Role of the CMO in determining the performance competency of a crew member aboard a Starship is to determine their emotional and mental health abilities to perform their duties.

Should it be suspected that the CO is unfit for duty due to Medical reasons. It takes three Senior Officers to determine, concur and document. Officers that consist of this is usually the XO, CMO and another Senior Command staff Officer before one can Medically declare the CO unfit from duty and relieve him or her of their command.

(Note: This will only happen in a Sim Plot situation)

Triage Protocols - Each ship has certain designated areas to handle large scale Medical Emergencies. All On and Off duty Medical personal will immediately respond to their pre determined triage area and set up the area to receive incoming wounded or Medical patients. Depending on the type of Medical emergency certain areas can be quickly made into isolation areas or into Biohazard isolation areas.

Patients are to be assess on the severity of the injuries based on the ABC's of First aid.


Evaluate mental status, stabilize the spine, and expose as necessary.

Open airway and suction as necessary.
Secure the airway and intubate if respiratory arrest is imminent.

Rapidly evaluate and treat major chest trauma.  Administer high
concentration oxygen by non-rebreathing mask and assist
ventilations as necessary.

Control any major hemorrhage and support circulation with Anti-Shock Trousers as indicated in the Anti-Shock Trouser Procedure.

Obtain baseline vital signs.

Determine patient�s status (CUPS).

Critical patients -

Immediate airway management, then transport with further assessment and resuscitation while enroute to the Sickbay

Unstable patients-

Immediate airway management, then transport with further assessment and resuscitation while enroute to the Sickbay

Potentially unstable -

Initial management of the patient may be done in the Triage area.

Stable patients -

Continued montioring of Vital signs, Intiat treatment to begin in the Triage.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: When functioning as a CMO, AMO or CNS in any SFEF Setting. We do not perform procedures on another player without his or hers consent first. Also if you desire to be treated by one of the SFEF Medical staff, remember to check with them prior to coming down with any illness or diseases.

Captain Anne Erickson, MD.
Fleet Assistant Medical Officer
Medical Division
Space Fleet Elite Forces
Stardate: 2105370
Anne gets her wings finally  ::hugs::
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