<BGSOUND SRC="rules.mid">
"Space Fleet's Elite Forces Constitution and Rules"

The current SFEF High Council E-mail address is:
SFEF High Council

The current SFEF Member's Council E-mail address is:
SFEF Member's Council

   =/\=   Space Fleet's Elite Forces Consitution  =/\=

Section 1.  Government

Article 1. SFEF will be governed by a President (or Senior Fleet Admiral)  and two group councils.  The President will be the highest ranking member in the group and the high council will be made up of  members who are over the rank of Captain.  The Members Council will be made up of SFEF members who wish to take part in the Government.  The rules outlined in this section only apply to the High Council.

Article 2.The SFEF Government will make important decisions for the group, keep SFEF up and running smoothly and amend the constitution if it is needed.

Article 3. The President of SFEF will hold most of the decision making power but the Council can revoke that power if that is needed,  The Council will vote on issues, give advice to the amendments,  The President can also propose changes, amendments, bills, etc.

Article 4. If the President propose a change in the constitution, a new bill, By-law, amendment then the Council has the right to veto that change if 3/4 of the Council votes against it.  If the Council decides to make an amendment, change, bill, etc. the President has the right to veto it as long as 1/4 of the Council agrees.

Article 5. The President can be impeached for any reasonable matter if 3/4 of the Council agrees.  A Council member can be removed if 3/4 of the Senate and the President agrees.  A court case will be needed in order to kick the impeached member out of the group, if that is needed.

Article 6. All new Council members will need to be approved by a majority of the Council and the President, Council members can be anyone with a rank above Captain. The member must be nominated by another council member or President.The nominated member must not have any strong warnings or more than 1 regular warning or have been on probation for atleast a year.

Article 7. If the President "disappears" for over 1 month, retires, or leaves the group the Council will be in charge of organizing a group vote for the new President.  In that time the Chief of Staff should temporarily take over the position.  The members allowed to run for the position of President must have been over the rank of Commodore when the prior President left.  The group simmers will vote on the new President.  The winner will be decided by a majority vote.  The President will hold his/her position for 1 Year and then a new election will take place. Currently, the Presidential election will take place the last Week of February of each year, lasting 5 days and ending 2 days prior to the end of February. The New Presidential Term beginning March 1 of each year. The COS along with a Member of the Members council will conduct the election and announce the New President of "SFEF" the last day of February. These dates are subject to change if the Current President "dissapears".

Article 8. All Council Members must be Active either in a Sim or other Group Activity. They must participate monthly. Also all Council Members must consistently take part in or atleast vote on every issue. If a council member fails to respond on an issue before the council or misses council events, such as a meeting, for longer than 2 weeks they will immediately be removed from the Council. If you take an ELOA or retire you will be immediately removed from the High Council. (This of course doesn't apply if you are on LOA)

Section 2. Member's Council Government

Section 2a."Rules for being on the Member's Council"

Article 1. The member who wants to join must be between the rank of Lieutenant and Fleet Captain or a Host .

Article 2. All members of the Member Council must be active in at least 1 sim or activity. If they must be active in the group in some way. All members must not miss more then 1 sim every month consistently. (So if you miss 2 sims in one month because you are away or sick you will not be kicked off the council, it is only if this is repeated behavior)

Article 3. The member wanting to join must not have any strong warnings or more then 1 regular warning.

Article 4. Any new members wanting to join the council must be approved by the President and win a majority vote by the current member council.

Article 5. All Member Council members must consistently take part in or at least vote on every or most issues. If a member misses out on council events for longer then 2 weeks then they will be kicked off the council and may return if they pass another majority vote and are approved.

Section 2b: What the Member Council Does and its Laws:

Article 1. The member council can come up with new ideas, bills, constitution revisions or the like and any member of the council is allowed to call a vote on any issue supported by at least one other member.

Article 2. When a vote is called on an issue, in order for it to pass it must win by majority vote of the entire member council. When a issue is passed by the Member council it then is moved on to the High Council and if the High Council also passes it then the issue is put into effect or established.

Article 3. If the High Council passes an issue it is then moved on to the Members Council and in this case 1/4 of the Member Council must agree for the issue to pass.

Article 4. For a member of the Member Council to be removed either the President must do it or 3/4 of the Members council needs to vote in favor of the the removal. After removal the member who was kicked out has 1 chance to get back in the members council after 2 months in which case 3/4 of the current council must agree.

Article 5. If 4/5 of the Members Council decides that the current President should be removed from office it will move on to the High Council, if this passes in the High Council the President will be removed.

Section 3.  Group Member Rights

Article 1. By being a member of Space Fleet's Elite Forces you have the following right...  To sim and take part in activities provided by the group if it is allowed.

Article 2. A member has the right to not be harassed by another member.

Article 3. A member has the right to trial if they are accused of breaking a rule.

Article 4. A member has the right to appoint someone in their defense while in court.  But the person appointed has to agree or volunteer.

Section 4.  By-Law's and Group Rules

1. All rules and laws must be followed and must not be broken by anyone.

2. You will not hurt, harm or harass another member of SFEF or any of it's allies in any way, purposely.

3. If you leave the group you will not bring other members with you.

3a. If someone tries to get you to leave SFEF send the conversation and all info to group Council ASAP.

4. You will show respect to all members of the group, especially higher ranking officers.  In and out of sims, in and out of character.

5. You will show up to all sims on time unless you have a good excuse that should be sent with an explanation to your CO before the sim takes place.

5a. If you miss 3 sims in a row without any acknowledgment and without explanation the case should be submitted to the Council.  The punishment will be either being put on a leave of absence, demotion, warning or resulting in the loss of membership.

6. CO's must report to their Fleet CO or direct superiors once a week about changes on their ships, using the SFEF roster/report system.

6a. CO's are allowed to promote members of their crew up to the rank of Lieutenant Commander,

6b. Promotions should take anywhere from 2 sims to 4 months.  The Lieutenant Commander and Commander Positions may take more time to achieve then the other positions on board a ship.

6c. Reasons for Promotion should be.

A. Consistent Participation

B. Conduct above the call of duty

C. Recruiting members for the ship

D. General attitude and performance within the sim

E. The amount of points needed has been reached

6d. The CO can only promote their crew member during or directly after a sim
         *Please report any promotions or ship changes to your direct superior.

7. If a member wants another member to be promoted they must send a formal request to the SFEF Council and their CO and include the reasons that made you decide this.  You cannot promote another member unless an Admiral or your CO gives the "Okay", unless you are following rules 6 and 7 and 6's sub rules.

8. The entire Council or an Admiral can promote a member over the rank of Lieutenant Commander by a majority vote.

9. If you are in any other groups besides SFEF you are to inform the Council.

10. If you want another member demoted, follow the steps in rule 7 take out promotion and put in demotion.

11. If a CO wants to demote a member they must inform the Council with detailed report as to who and why.

12. Don't make bad relations or start wars against other groups while you are in SFEF.

13. You will notify the Council if you encounter a new group with any and all info that you have on them.

14. Any member may go to a Council meeting that isn't classified and give ideas unless told not to.

15. Any member may accuse another member of anything depending on the severity of the accusation and case and how much evidence is given in the report to the Council and Chief of Staff, the case may or may not be put in court.

16. You are put on probation immediately after you break one of these rules.  The grounds of probation are as follows.  There is a warning or strong warning given depending on what rule was broken or what occurred.  If you do anything else wrong while you are on probation the case may be submitted to the Council or the individual/s will be ejected from SFEF.

17. If you get 4 warnings or 2 strong warnings you may be kicked out of SFEF.

18. New members should start out as a cadet.

19. Always act proper during a sim.  This means don't yell out or disrupt the other simmers.  If you do any of these things you risk being thrown in the brig, given a warning or demoted.
20. Do not talk during ::AA:: unless asked a direct question by your commanding officer/s.  If you do the same penalties will apply as rule 19.

21. You will always follow a CO's order during a sim even if you think it is wrong or it has flaws.  You may object after the sim as long as you are not at attention.

22. There will be No Mutinies in SFEF sims.

23. Everyone will respect the chain of command.

24. Always inform either the CO or XO of a Sim for permission prior to inviting a guest into a Sim.
If you are unsure of who is Commanding a Sim then Contact a Division Head.
Such as the Fleet Co or Xo of that Division. Or the Operations Commander.
They can then give you the information you need as to who is commanding that particular Sim.

25. CO & XO LOA Policy-When a LOA or ELOA is required a time frame of when the Host is to return must be presented. If it is longer than a month the CO or XO does so with the understanding that they may loose their current Hosting position. And the next Officer in the chain of Command of that ship will be offered Command if they meet all the requirements of Hosting a Sim. If no Officer meets the requirements on that Sim then the next Officer that has met the requirements of Command will be offered the Hosting position
Any LOA/ELOA lasting longer than a month or having special circumstances must be approved through the President or a majority of the High Council if the President is not available.
If something changes in the CO/XO time frame they have given to return, an extension may be applied for one time. If they don't return by the agreed on date they will forfeit their Command. And the ship will be offered to the next Officer as stated above.
In no way does this effect the Hosts membership in SFEF.

26. Ownerhip Feature in AOL/Aim Chat Rooms-This feature is not to be used by "SFEF" Members without the Expressed approval of the Sim Host, AOL Division Commanders or
President of "SFEF"
If any member boots the CO or any other member of SFEF out of an "SFEF" created AOL/AIM Chat room during a Sim or any other time without the expressed direct orders from either the CO of that Sim or one of the AOL Division Commanders or the President, you risk your membership with "SFEF".
The first time this happens the said member will be put on 30 days suspension and 90 days probation.
If a second offense occurs they will be immediately dismissed from "SFEF"

Section 5.  Jobs, Descriptions, Duties and Departments

Article 1.  Jobs

SFEF President (or Senior Fleet Admiral) - The Presidents job is to ensure that SFEF is operational and all department heads are doing their jobs.  All department heads report to the Chief of Staff who goes through the reports and sends them to the President with his or her comments.  The SFEF President is in charge of relations with other groups and is allowed to appoint Ambassadors to help out with group relations.

Chief of Staff - The Chief of Staff is responsible for making sure also, that all department heads are doing their jobs and sending them reports on at least a monthly basis (weekly or biweekly is preferred.)  The COS will then read over the reports, organize them if needed and add some of their comments and/or suggestions to it and send it the President ASAP.  The COS is also in charge of ensuring that all Captains are doing their jobs and all ships are operating at their full capacity.  This would also go for the Fleet Captain or Commander of a Fleet.  All complaints and suggestions should go to the Chief of Staff who review them and send them to the Council and/or President if the situation or complaint merits the attention.

Fleet Captain or CO of a Fleet - The CO of a fleet is in charge of making sure that all the ships under him or her are in their full operating capacity.  They collect reports from the other Captains or CO's under them and gives them to the COS, with their comments and suggestions attached if they wish.  These reports should go out at least monthly.

Captain or CO of a Ship - The Captain needs to show up to their designated sim (if they have one) each week and taking attendance and keeping track of the crew's points.  The Captain is responsible for the status of their ship and keeping it simming.  They should send out sim reminders to their crew before each responsible for keeping a roster and making sure it is up to date.  They must give their ship roster to their Fleet CO at least monthly.  The CO is allowed to put the XO in charge of compiling reports and keeping the roster up to date.

First Officer of a Ship - The first officer of a ship is supposed to show up to their sim each week and take over if the Captain cannot make it and be sure to keep track of who showed up and log the sim for the Captain to read later on.  The First officer should handle all complaints and IM's during a sim, not the captain.

Article 2.  Department Responsibilities

Group Security - SFEF Security Division is responsible for numerous things.  They are responsible for keeping order in the group, making sure all members obey the laws and rules set forward in this constitution.  They are in charge of making sure these laws are followed in all sections of SFEF, this includes Message Boards, Chat Rooms, Sims, E-mail, and everywhere that has anything to do with the SFEF group.

Internal Affairs/JAG - This department is the curt of the group.  They are responsible for setting up court cases, establishing and keeping order during that case and have it done in a proper manner through the use of a Judge, Prosecution and Defense.  They can also have a jury on standby for court cases, but the jury members should not be biased in any way or a part of the prosecution, defense and they should not be a witness.  Internal Affairs also keeps criminal records of SFEF members.

Medical Department - The medical department will train all or any medical officers or provide extra circular medical courses for those interested for extra credit in the group.  They can also help new officers with information and suggestions.  They will be for the CMO's and other medical personnel in SFEF to ask questions, find assistance, get ideas, and find out about medical procedures and medicine.  This department can also schedule Medical meetings and parties or gatherings. The Medical Department is to oversee all medical personnel in SFEF and to represent them.

Sounds or Audio Department - This department is to give out sim or star trek related sound files to members who ask or are in need of them.

Research and Development - This department is in charge of creating and using new technology with other groups or organizations as it sees fit.  Also, coming up with missions and objective ideas for Sims.  Captains can contact this department if they are in need of sim ideas.
Message Board Team - The message board team will make sure members use the Message board(s) and keep them involved as much as they can by creating interesting threads and urging posts.  They can arrange contests on the  message boards: have trivia, scrambled words, random topics and other stuff to keep the members involved.

Games and Trivia Department - This department is responsible for scheduling games and trivia days, parties, and making them fun and organized for group members to attend.  They can keep track of points awarded at the parties and contests and give out points towards a simmers total which will count toward their next rank.  The Games and Trivia Department can work with the Message Board team to organize events or games there.
Effective June 7, 2003
Ammended July 11, 2005
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws