If we've learned anything in the past (especially the last two years), it's that nothing in this world is certain. Nothing can be taken for granted.

For when it is....


Just like that, it all comes crashing down.

It always does.

Always will.

[Soft music plays in the background]

But through the darkness, there is always a light.

A path out of the dark, cold times.

It's not always easy to find. But, if you look hard enough, you will see it.



Here we are.

Maryfield, Saskatchewan

We open up to a blanket of snow covering as far as our eyes can see.

The wind is fierce. cuts right through you. A normal man would not be outside in this environment.

But, this is not a normal man. This is 'The Beast' Brock Lesnar.

He's got a six foot ladder leaned up against one of the barns located on his property. He's dressed appropriately, large coveralls and balaclava face mask. The camera zooms in and we can see the bright red skin around his eye sockets that is exposed to the elements.  He's hammering away at the side of the barn with a large hammer, repairing a small portion of the siding.

When he's finished, he climbs down from the ladder.


He removes his gloves and rubs his hands together, blowing into them to help regain some feeling in his fingertips. He starts to put his gloves back on and walk around the side of the barn as our feed cuts quickly to black.


When we open back up, Lesnar is inside the barn. He's taken off the coveralls but is still sporting a long sleeve flannel shirt. He's got his hair tied back in a ponytail.

BROCK LESNAR:  Paul. What can I say? I'm surprised you turned your back on me.... again?

The Beast shakes his head. He is disappointed in his former advocate.

BROCK LESNAR:  After the collapse of W-W-E, you just vanished out of thin air. I called you numerous times! I was even going to invite you moose hunting with me. Honestly Paul, it kind of hurt my feelings.

He's sitting at a small workbench with a small desk lamp illuminating an area around the table. .

BROCK LESNAR: We accomplished so much together, with you as a my advocate. But, I guess all of this is probably for the better. You and I both know there was no way we would be able to match that success here in W-L-C-W. And even if we did.....

He shakes it off and starts disassembling the .270 Winchester lying on the table in front of him. He's quick. Like he's done this a few times before.

BROCK LESNAR: I've come to realize something. You're just not a real likable person!

A deep chuckle.

BROCK LESNAR: So you go ahead and run back back to the Bloodline. Hide behind Roman Reigns again as he tries to live up to the expectations I've created.

With the entire rifle disassembled, he gets up and walks away from the bench.

BROCK LESNAR: There is another person that has been on my mind the last few days.

The pacing begins. He's spent a lot of time in this barn.

BROCK LESNAR: Ever since the legend himself Mick Foley made the announcement.

A short pause..

BROCK LESNAR: Lance Storm. That's all anyone around here wants to talk about. You'd think with me taking up residence here in Saskatchewan, I'd grow to respect a man that carried the Canadian flag with him during his entire professional wrestling career.

He wouldn't admit it, but you can hear the jealousy in his voice. Lesnar is a highly competitive individual. 

BROCK LESNAR: But, there comes a time when a man's body and his mind just don't match up anymore. You think you can climb inside the ring with a specimen like myself. Your mind is telling you that. But, your body on the other hand. Well, let's just say I don't think you're going to be able to stand up to the punishment I'm going to deliver.

If his current physique is any indicator, Storm could very well be in trouble.

BROCK LESNAR: You're definitely not going to be able to stop it.

Who would argue? Even with the long sleeved flannel on, you can tell Lesnar is ripped. Since the last time we saw him in his final appearance in WWE, he's clearly taken very good care of himself.

That's a good sign...... or bad sign, depending on who you ask.

BROCK LESNAR: Maybe it would be better if I was wrong. If we truly are trying to build something here, sending you into retirement AGAIN might not be the best option.... But, what are my other options? Let you beat me????

Just as he asks that question......


Even Lesnar is startled.


BROCK LESNAR: What the hell!?

As someone starts to open the door, Lesnar practically gets into a three point stance, ready to spear whatever emerges from outside. As the figure emerges, he quickly realizes that it's two individuals. One carrying a camera over his shoulder.... and the other....

MATT STRIKER: Jesus Christ, it's cold outside!

He shivers as he steps inside the barn. The cameraman joins him as Lesnar quickly slams the door shut.

BROCK LESNAR: What do you think you're doing?

MATT STRIKER: Didn't you get my messages?

Lesnar pulls his phone out of his pocket.


Striker looks confused. He too pulls his phone out of his pocket.

MATT STRIKER: Well I sent you like 5 text messages.

BROCK LESNAR: Five? And you never once thought that maybe you should just CALL me before you came and trespassed on my property!?


BROCK LESNAR: No, wait just a minute. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't twist you into a pretzel?

Striker looks genuinely concerned. Enough that Lesnar is forced to back off a bit.

BROCK LESNAR: Relax. I'm not going to do that.


BROCK LESNAR: Enough with the surprises though... why are you here?

MATT STRIKER: Foley wanted me to come check in with everyone. Kind of an all access, social media type deal.

BROCK LESNAR: Foley, is that right?

He's got some admiration for Foley, so it's hard to dislike him.

BROCK LESNAR: Well, I guess I could use a hand.

MATT STRIKER: With what?

Lesnar looks over at the small table where his rifle is sitting, still disassembled.

BROCK LESNAR: Ever shot a moose?

MATT STRIKER: Ummm.... no.

BROCK LESNAR: Well today is your lucky day.
From the look on Striker's face, he doesn't think so.

Fade out.


A static feed begins to come into focus as we find ourselves out in the wilderness. The cameraman is joined by Striker and Lesnar in a large camouflaged tent.

MATT STRIKER: How long do we have to stay out here?

BROCK LESNAR: What's wrong, are you getting impatient? That's not how this works. We're going to sit here until we see the biggest moose Saskatchewan has ever seen.

MATT STRIKER: You seem like you really enjoy yourself up here.

BROCK LESNAR: Yeah, it's definitely my comfort zone.

MATT STRIKER: So why get back in the ring?

BROCK LESNAR: I'll tell you one thing, it's one hundred percent NOT about the money. 

MATT STRIKER: Shocking, not many would say that.

BROCK LESNAR: Most haven't spent enough time away from the sport to appreciate it.  Being away from a ring for a few years will really put things in perspective.

BROCK LESNAR: It's about the thrill of the hunt.

He pulls the rifle up to his shoulder and looks through the scope.

BROCK LESNAR: I think I see something.

Striker loudly blurts out.


The camera zooms in the direction his rifle is pointing.

It's a large moose.

Probably pushing 1500 pounds.

BROCK LESNAR: Straight ahead, 100 yards.

He doesn't hesitate.

One pull of the trigger.



He throws his rifle up over his shoulder with the look of complete satisfaction on his face.

BROCK LESNAR: What a shot! Right in the heart!

The large moose staggers as blood begins to spew out of it's side. The high definition camera captures the event live masterfully. It's last few moments alive are spent staggering towards their tent before crashing down to the ground.

BROCK LESNAR: I mean, that thing was coming right at us! Faster than Laurent Dubreuil on ice.

He wipes his brow with his forearm.

BROCK LESNAR: Matt, listen to me. I can honestly say that I just saved your life.

He puts his hand on Striker's shoulder.

BROCK LESNAR: It's okay. You're welcome though.

BROCK LESNAR: You don't have to say a word, the look on your face says it all.

A chuckle from Lesnar.

Striker is still processing what just happened as we fade to black.