~    The  Mitton  WebSite   ~

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Created by my brother, Randall Mitton on April 06, 1998.
His goal was for this to be a place where Mitton descendants
could share their family information together online.
Sadly we lost Randall on July 2, 2002.

     I don't know nearly as much as he did about genealogy, but I can't let all my brother's hard work just sit here neglected any longer. ~ Arwen Eve Mitton ~
Last update: November 14, 2003  


~   Index   ~

  Site News - With links to latest Mitton contacts & changes to family trees.

  Mitton Queries - View and how to add your own posts for missing Mittons.

  My Mitton Line - Narritive written by Randall about our Mitton family line. 

  Mitton History - Ancient parish of Mitton and Mitton Immigrants

  Mitton Family Trees - Both on this website and on other family websites

  Links - to other genealogy Websites

E-mail Arwen Eve Mitton


  ~   Latest News   ~ 

November 14, 2003 - Complete Site Update Begins - Completely updated two more site pages: The Ancient parish of Mitton and Mitton Immigrations

November 13, 2003 - Complete Site Update Begins - Most of you have probably noticed some major changes to the Mitton Website.  Don't worry; everything is all still here.  I just felt like it was time for a new look, which I hope most of you will be happy with.   Besides the overall appearance, I've tried to make this site a bit easier to navigate, with the addition of things like an index, and by eliminating the news page and just putting the latest site news right here, where it's more noticeable.  Now that this main page is finished, I'll begin making changes to all the other pages on this site.   After all the pages are redone, I'll see about adding some new information on the Mitton Family Lines.

April 29, 2003 - Long Overdue Post - Sorry for not posting this months ago, but my life has been pretty difficult lately.  Most of you have probably noticed that this site has been neglected for a while.  The reason for this is that I lost my brother, Randall, unexpectedly last July, so I have sort of inherited his websites, which include this Mitton Website.  I promise to update this site as soon as possible, but I still have a lot to sort out.  One major problem is that my knowledge of genealogy is quite limited.  All I have to go on are Randall's many files (several hundred), his notes, and tons of photocopies, many of which I haven't figured what they even mean yet.  I am doing my best to deal with all this, but it will be a while before I can answer questions about the site or help anyone else with their own Mitton research.  I am making progress and have recently figured out how to use his genealogy program.  Please try to be patient with me.  I will eventually sort everything out.  ~ Arwen Eve Mitton ~

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  ~   My Mitton Family Line   ~ 

Yorkshire Co., England > New Brunswick, Canada > Grafton County, New Hampshire, USA

Written by my brother, Randall Mitton: "My involvement in genealogy is mostly due to the mystery of my Mitton surname.  All I knew at that time was that my grandfather, George Kenneth Mitton, was a lumberman from New Brunswick, Canada.  At age 21 came to New Hampshire with a crew and was hired by Van Dyke, an early 'lumber baron' [see Logging].  He married my grandmother in Nova Scotia in 1903 and was living there in 1908.   He returned to NH and bought a farm in Pettyborough, a section of Lisbon, and by 1910 had moved his family down from Nova Scotia.

I had no idea of the earlier origins of my Mitton line.  My Mitton grandparents both died in 1964, when I was age 10, and my father had never met his own grandparents, as his grandfather died in NB when he was just a year old.  He didn't even know their names.

After several years of research and through the help of some newly acquainted Internet cousins, I have since been able to solve a large part of the mystery of my Mitton origins, back through my 3rd great grandfather, Robert Mitton, who was born in Yorkshire Co., England and immigrated to New Brunswick in 1817.  I now have this line back to my 11th great grandfather, James Mitton, who was born in Yorkshire Co., England in the late 1500's (thanks Hollis)."

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  ~   Mitton History   ~ 

The Ancient parish of Mitton - Yorkshire, England, from the 11th century.  Includes the origin of the Mitton surname.

Mitton Immigrations - From Yorkshire County, England to Canada to the United States

If you have any Mitton history to share, please contact me: Email Arwen

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  ~   Mitton Family Trees   ~ 

These lines will all be updated as new information becomes available.

Randall Mitton Family Tree - Complete online family tree, with over 7000 of our relatives.

Descendants of William Mitton - New Brunswick line from William and Elizabeth (Bolton) Mitton of Yorkshire Co., England.  (through five generations)

Richard Mitton Line - another son of William and Elizabeth (Bolton).  He settled in Dorchester, New Brunswick. 

Descendants of Joseph Mitton - Ontario line from Joseph and Mary (Wilkinson) Mitton of Lancashire, England. (through six generations)

Lloyd Mitton's Narrative - From the above Joseph through Lloyd's great grandfather Robert H. Mitton and his family.

If your family tree is on the Web and includes Mitton lines, please Email Arwen

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  ~   Links   ~ 
  • Missing Links - Sandra Devlin, one of my Mitton cousins, writes a weekly genealogy column in eight Maritime newspapers.   Part of each column is devoted to FREE queries from family researchers. 
  • UK Street Map - road atlas maps for the whole of mainland Britain
  • GENUKI - United Kingdom and Ireland Genealogy Website

If you know of any appropiate links, please contact me: Email Arwen

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The Mitton WebSite - Founded 06 April 1998
Originally created by Randall Dean Mitton
Currently maintained by Arwen Eve Mitton
Copyright � 1998 by Randall Mitton   -  Copyright � 2003 by Arwen Mitton
E-mail Arwen