Welcome to the town of

 Lisbon, New Hampshire

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~ Town Hostess - Arwen Mitton ~

                 Updated: July 08, 2004

Note: The town of Sugar Hill was part of Lisbon until 1962.
Therefore, the history of Lisbon also includes the history
and the early families of Sugar Hill.

~  Index  ~

Early History and First Settlers - a bit of history from the 1886 edition of  the "Gazetteer of Grafton County, New Hampshire"

Genealogy Resources - Where to look and who to contact in Lisbon and Sugar Hill

Resources from Lookup Volunteers - Email contacts for Lisbon/Sugar Hill lookups

Links - Other Internet sites related to Lisbon and Sugar Hill

~  Early History and First Settlers  ~

The following is from the 1886 edition of  the "Gazetteer of Grafton County, New Hampshire" :

"The town was granted August 6, 1763 ... by the name of Concord.   This grant was made, and the town was thus named, nearly two years prior to the incorporation and naming of Concord in the county of Merrimack." (the current state capital)    (It was "re-granted" October 20, 1768 and named Gunthwaite, but later assumed the name of Concord until June 14, 1824, when it was changed to Lisbon by the legislature.)

"The first settlers of the town were Samuel Martin, Ebenezer Richardson, William Belknap, and Samuel Sherman.  Then followed the Youngs, the most influential family for a considerable period, followed by the families Dexter, Dailey, Judd, Parker, Aldrich, Jesseman, Bishop, Harris, Howland, Northey, Hildrich, Jewett, Colbey, Quimby, Streeter, Spooner, Oaks, Priest, Noyes, Jameson, Taylor, Hains, Applebee, Morse, Bailey, Ash, Whitcomb, Smith, Page, Wells, Knapp, Kennistons, Burt, Kay, Emery, Cushman, Morris, Kelsea, Gurnsey, Cooley, Whiting, Barret, Robbins, Cole, Eastman, Whipple, Cobleigh, Kimball, Savage, Gould and Ela, besites individuals and other families, perhaps equally as early but not so numerous."

~  Genealogy Resources  ~

If you know of a Lisbon genealogy resource that would be appropriate for this page, please
e-mail Arwen

Lisbon Public Library - The 4 Vol. typed copy of the original handwritten "Rix Manuscript" is available here.  Tele: (603) 838-6615 - Hours: Mon. 11 - 5, Tues. Thurs. 2 - 6, Wed. Fri. 11 - 8.
Address: Lisbon Public Library
                 45 School Street
                 Lisbon, NH 03585
[email protected]

Lisbon Vital Records - Found at Town Clerk's Office in Lisbon -  45 School Street - Lisbon, NH 03585 - (603)838-2802 - Hours: M-F 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:30.
These records only go back to 1850.

Sugar Hill Historical Museum - Located on Main St, Sugar Hill - 603-823-5336
Open June 20-mid October Thursday, Friday, Saturday 1-4pm and by appointment.   Changing exhibits reflect 2 centuries of North Country life and work.  Tools, furniture, clothing, stage coach & tavern kitchen.  Donations requested.

~  Resources from Lookup Volunteers  ~

If you have any reference material on Lisbon and would like to volunteer to do lookup's,
please e-mail Arwen

When requesting a lookup, please follow these guidelines:

  • On the subject line enter Lisbon Lookup

  • Put name of book or CD you are requesting in the first line of the message.

  • Limit your request to 1 or 2 specific names on separate lines.

  • Don't forget to thank your volunteer for their time and effort.


Gazetteer of Grafton County (1709-1886) - E-Mail Susan Randall

Rix Manuscript of the Genealogies of the Families of Lisbon, NH. - By Guy S. Rix, historian from Concord, NH; published about 1912.   I have photocopies of about a third of the family genealogies and have the following complete lines:   Bishop, Chandler, Cole, Crane, Dailey, Gleason, Harris, Hildreth, Howland, Jackman, Jesseman, Kendall, Morris, Moulton, Oaks, Priest, Quimby, Robbins, Spooner, Streeter, Thayer, Towle, Whitcomb, Whiting, and Wright, as well as part of several other lines.  - E-mail Arwen Mitton      I have also transcribed some complete family lines, and the following lines are now available online:  Bishop, Howland, and Kendall.

Sherman Family - E-Mail Bill Pixley   - Bill has "long been studying Samuel SHERMAN (b. abt. 1736), one of Grafton County's first settlers, and his children and ancestry".   He would love to hear from other Sherman researchers.

~  Links  ~

If you know of a Lisbon or Sugar Hill link that would be appropriate for this page,
e-mail Arwen

Lisbon, NH - lisbonnh.org municipal site

Lisbon Public Library - NH State Library site

Town of Sugar Hill - on the NH government site

Sugar Hill Public Library - NH State Library site

Historical Museums in the White Mountains - on the White Mountain Attractions site

My Own Family Links - Arwen Mitton's family links to Lisbon and Sugar Hill.
Grass, Mitton, Howland, Morris, Spooner, Streeter, Towle, Whitcomb.

Rix Manuscript Family Pages Online - Complete family lines transcribed from the Rix Manuscript.   Currently available for online viewing: 
         -   Bishop Family Site
Howland Family Site
Kendall Family Site


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Lisbon Town Page founded 22 October 1997
Originally created by Randall Mitton
Currently maintained by Arwen Mitton
Copyright � 1996 by Randall Mitton   -  Copyright � 2003 by Arwen Mitton
E-mail Arwen