Tina's Teddies


I do love teddy bears! I think they are possibly the cutest things ever!

I have a collection of teddy bears. Some I have bought. Others I have made.

I will sometimes sew together little pieces of teddy fur to make my bears.

Or I will buy a bear and dress it up!

My home has become quite a menagerie.





Muffy in her

Angel dress.



Muffy's Family


Bears are so much fun, and they are so cute!

Please adopt your own bear today!




Ten Reasons Why Teddy Bears Are Better Than Humans


  1. Teddy Bears are very low maintenance. They don't need to be fed, watered, walked, or bathed.
  2. Teddy Bears are the only kind of love money can buy.
  3. A Teddy Bear never complains about your snoring.
  4. Teddy bears are incredibly non-judgmental. They will never criticize your taste in clothing, furniture, or television programs.
  5. Teddy Bears never complain if you stay out late.
  6. A Teddy Bear will never complain about how you dress it up.
  7. Teddy Bears don't steal your beer, snacks, or any other goodies you might have around the house.
  8. Teddy Bears never hog the remote.
  9. You can hug a Teddy Bear to your heart's content, and it will still have plenty of hugs left.
  10. A Teddy Bear will NEVER push a human out an airlock! (Babylon 5 producers take note!)


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