I was born in 1944 by genetics a male.

A native of Colorado.

First married at 19.

One son & one granddaughter.

Second marriage age 23 to present wife of over 30 years. Two sons & one granddaughter.

Own my business with my second son.

As a male there is little I can't do. I have always been very good with my hands and head. I enjoy all forms of electronics, Custom cars and trucks, Drag Racing, Home construction, Fishing, camping and outdoors, arm chair sports, and much more. I was a scout master for over six years. My second son is an Eagle Scout.

As far back as I can remember I have had a deep set interest in femininity. This started long before any type of sexual attraction. The first time I tried on panties was in the sixth grade.

So where does this all start? I believe that it begins before the time of conception. While in the form of an embryo or egg. At this time we are of both genders with the potential of being either. It is the sperm that determines the gender that will predominate. However we are still left with some of the characteristics and potentials of the opposite gender.

So in every woman there is of a man. In every man there is of a woman. Together we are one. Separately expressed through our personality.