Judith's Story

I'm Judith and I live in Dublin, Ireland.

I'm afraid I've been around a long long time. I won't tell you how old I am but I was wearing mini-skirts the first time round! I used to simply consider myself as a transvestite but I know know that I'm really a non-op TS.

I first started "trying on" my mother's clothes when I was 10, just like a lot of young girls I knew. Of course she wasn't at all amused when she caught me and I got a telling off. The next few times the telling off was coupled with a good smacking but I still did it whenever I could. Eventually Mom got tired talking to herself so she decided to use the opposite tactic and insist I dressed every evening when I came home from school. She got some cast offs from a cousin of mine and after school I changed into a dress or blouse and skirt. I was in Heaven. Mom got her own back by insisting that a behaved as a girl and did housework.

At 14 Mom took me aside and told me that I was now a big boy and that boys didn't wear dresses etc. etc. The old argument. I started to cry and insisted I was a girl. Anything for a quiet life thought Mom and I continued to dress. Still in little girl's things things though I insisted on wearing a bra.

I won't go into details of the next few years but Mom eventually decided to accept the inevitable and by 16 I had graduated to older girl clothes.

When I left home for University I continued my dressing as I was now in a tiny apartment on my own. All my spare time was spent dressed. About this time I found that I really was in two halves - a male half in University who was into girls and a female half at home who was into men just like any other girl. This always puzzled me though I now understand it's due to my being really a TS.

Eventually I got married and was fortunate that my wife was supportive. However, as my family got older I had to conceal my dressing from them. For a number of years Judith was killed off and I though I was "cured".

When the family grew up and left home, Judith awoke. She has now taken over and my male character is in a secondary place being only allowed to appear when strictly necessary!


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