Let's give it to Ian McKellen, who dressed up as Maggie Smith on "Saturday Night Live."

He did a funny bit where he started flirting with Jimmy Fallon and after asking for a kiss on the cheek, suddenly turned his head and mashed lips with Jimmy.

OK, Ian is gay, and his dainty old dress-up is a curtsy to the stereotype that drag is something only gays do (and NOT something straight men do). But the old queen lost the Academy Award, so why not honor him with the prestigious Crossdresser of the Year???

Meanwhile in the summer of 2002, TWO movies appeared in which crossdressing was the entire subject of the film. So an honorable mention (and no Academy Award) to these. First off, SORORITY BOYS, which you can figure out from the photos...

Secondly, JUWANNA MANN, about a "female" basketball player. The star was Miguel Nunez Jr....and here's a scene from the movie we can all identity with...OOPS! CAUGHT!!