SO many famous guys have dressed in dresses and put on pretty make-up...

My winner this year is DEREK JETER, the shortstop for the New York Yankees. On "Saturday Night Live" he appeared in drag. The only thing wrong was that he didn't quite go all the way. The dress was fine, the lipstick fine, but a little blush and some eyeliner would've helped, Derek!

Still, it's nice to see somebody with big muscular arms willing to suspend disbelief and put on a dress.

And even without really trying, he fulfilled a great male fantasy...he probably had some people figuring he looked at LEAST as good as real female Ana Gasteyer!

OH, and let's not forget famous WOMEN who like to crossdress! InStyle magazine, interviewing Isabella Rossellini, discovered that she likes to wear men's suits: "They are incredibly comfortable and sexy." Now if a man said that silky panties or a light flowing dress was comfortable and sexy, there would be such frowns of disapproval!

Back to the boys who like to be girls sometimes. My runner up this year is...

Yes, the he and she is all the same person, the wonderful David Duchovny, and I hope I spelled his name right. Frankly, I never watched "The X-Files" and he evidently left the show by the time I found these pix of him in a key "drag" episode. Well, it's the thought that counts, and I thought this cutie deserved to be honored!

Come to think of it, the MAIN thing I saw him on was "The Larry Sanders Show" where he had a great time playing off his mysterious attraction to or for Larry (Garry Shandling).

In fact if it wasn't for his blurring of the gay/drag line, he might've won this year, but Derek Jeter is more your typical HETEROSEXUAL drag!

2001 was not a very good year in many ways, and sometimes it's important to stand up and fight like a man (even if it's against a person named Bin Laden who was always wearing a skirt and some kind of hair-drying towel on his head). But let's not neglect the joy of dressing-up, and remember to be tolerant of all kinds and Allah kinds of people on this planet.