My panties were in a twist right through the Fall of 2000. WHO would be my CROSSDRESSER OF THE YEAR?

Finally, old reliable HALLOWEEN came up, that wonderful night when guys have an "excuse" to indulge their fantasies. And who should decide that he'd like to be pretty...and have all eyes on him just like Jennifer Lopez...

Here's a photo hint...

Our Jennifer Lopez wannabe is...boyishly handsome MATT LAUER, now girlishly fetching as Jen!

NICE job! Not many of us have access to such good make-up, hair, dresses, and a realistic fake femme torso with cleavage! Matt must've felt just wonderful in that outfit, his legs carressed in pantyhose, admiring eyes shining brightly on him. Because however "hunky" he might be as a male, guys simply don't get the attention GIRLS get, and a guy feeling handsome in a suit is NOTHING compared to the joy a GIRL feels when she's in silk and lace and perfume!

So a big mmmmmmmMMWAAAHH kiss to you Matt Lauer, for boldly being a babe and letting everyone see. The more guys who allow their feminine side to show (or in his case, his Jennifer side), the easier it is for some closeted sisters to at LEAST go out on Halloween.

Lastly, you'll probably recognize the fellow with Matt as...wonderful weatherman Al Roker (as Puffy Combs). He's the author of a warm and funny book on raising a family, is a talented cartoonist, and devotes a lot of time to charity. Without him, maybe poor Matt wouldn't have had the nerve to play Jen for a Day, so a little thank you to Al Roker for making Lady Lauer feel comfortable!